Is Frieza's Body Burning Out?

I remembered in Dragon Ball Z that stated that Frieza's fourth and final form is actually his true form. This may contradict to what Cooler said in "Cooler's Revenge" which may mean that in actual canon, Frieza's the only son of King Cold and Cooler may just be a what-if scenario of Frieza having an older brother. So what's being said is that Frieza's first three forms were actually made to help him control his power levels.

It seems to be a common fad in comics where a powerful villain's powers may sooner or later work against him. This scenario is almost similar to how Apocalypse's body in X-Men will soon lose its capacity to house his essence. Frieza may actually be suffering from the same problem for all we know. He's stated that he only used his first three forms to help him control these powers. In a way, he's actually suffering from the similar condition that Apocalypse is suffering from. The more powerful he gets the more he can't control this power.

In the Dragon Ball Super continuity, Frieza managed to return as Golden Frieza. He decided to train so he could control his new evolved form. The problem behind this form is that he can't even hold it much longer. Would have he chosen to get it done and over with then he could have won. His usual mixture of sadism and pettiness made him ignore his body could be burning out from his immense power.
