You Can't Keep Comics Magneto In A Plastic Prison

I just had a thought of how depowered Magneto really gets in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The X-Men movies limited Magneto's powers to ferromagnetic properties but that's NOT what we see in the comics. We can see that the comics that his powers are beyond ferromagnetic -- they consist of him actually able to do feats such as electromagnetism, gravitational control or even the questionable power where he can actually manipulate the flow of iron in one's blood since his powers are more powerful than you think. So what could theoretically happen?

Let's put the comics version of Magneto running the show. I remembered how Saban's X-Men cartoon has Magneto's magnetic blasts fire extreme pressure. I mean, he's used it against the X-Men or two, plastic Sentinels can still be crushed by pressure blasts. Think about how the comics Magneto would have totally ripped off the movieverse without depending on so much ferromagnetism.

How could Magneto get rid of the cops aside from using cars? You can think he could use his high degrees of magnetic radiation. Did you know too much magnetic radiation can be dangerous? Well, he could let all the police bleed to death. Two, he wouldn't even need Mystique to inject the prison guard with liquified iron. Comics Magneto could have just burst the guard's blood out of his body through or two, he could have used his magnetic blasts to break even a plastic jail.

Also, the plastic jail isn't entirely manually operated. It's electronically operated. He could also use electromagnetism to let it go haywire or use whatever electricity is in it against the guards. Heck, he could unleash gravitational and magnetic force blasts against people before they could even lock him up in a plastic prison. In fact, they really NEED a better plan such as suck out his power dry and keep him tied at all times so he can't unleash his full power.
