Street Fighter II's Cheating AI

Street Fighter II was that series that launched the franchise to greater heights. How many really have heard of the 1987 Street Fighter game? The Street Fighter II series had the three editions, the Super edition, and the Turbo edition of the Super - WHEW! Though one thing was certain - the CPU really LOVES to cheat. Mortal Kombat II was already famous (and infamous) for its cheating CPU. Now, consider how the SFII series really trolled you back then.

I remembered one of the biggest complaints I had (which I played in both the arcade and the PSX) was how in the world did charge characters do their moves SIMULTANEOUSLY? Back then, the PSX's analog stick was just a fancy accessory in contrast to all its successors. Back then, I had no idea that you could hold DB, then tap F + (button) combination to avoid moving back all the time or to get certain timing right. So really, I hated using charge characters especially those with the Delta Motion combination where you charged DB, then motion to DF, DB, UF + (button) to execute the attack. But the computer was able to do it with EASE one way or another. 

I remembered how some of my classmates tried to do the Sonic Boom by SPINNING the controller. Really? The whole thing was to charge B (or DB), F + (insert Punch attack) or how the Flash Kick (dubbed as 360 by some) was charge D, U + (insert Kick attack). Though, I remembered how I hated how the charge characters (especially Bison) could execute the attacks without charging. CPU Guile spammed Sonic Booms (like how Seth does it in SFIV series) or how he could just Flash Kick me when it was very convenient. Fights with Bison were even more painful as he did his regular Psycho Crusher and Scissor Kicks with relative ease - something you could do in the Marvel vs. Capcom series where he was playable.

Yup, it was another of those games that really loved to suck away your hard-earned money, right? 
