Janperson Episodes 35-36: Two Neo-Guild Episodes With Two Different Plots In A Row

These are two regular episodes but are both conducted by Bad Boy Robin Padilla ahem George Makabe. Yeah, sorry if I can't resist bringing up Robin Padilla every time Kazuoki Takahashi shows up in any role whether hero or villain. These are two episodes that don't form an arc but are two regular episodes. We had that formula with Super Science Network with two plots that were barely connected. Neo-Guild is still an interesting faction nonetheless. 

Episode 35

Neo-Guild has Makabe going power-mad. It also reveals more about Gun Gibson who once hunted deserters. Like Paul McDaggett, we know that Makabe is power-mad and wants control by any means possible. This episode also features Kaoru Shinoda who voiced Bikel in Winspector and Totbat in Zyuranger. There's also a robot girl named Toko. Oh yeah, good thing that both Nobuo Akagi from Akibaranger and Troy Burrows from Power Rangers Megaforce were still children at this time. Nobuo did get attracted to a robot girl. Troy is called Megaforce's robot. 

This is another emotional episode by Nobuo Ogizawa. The scientist Shinichiro Yamaguchi ends up having a creation that regards him as "father". Toko's actress is kinda attractive. It's kind of weird (really) when an attractive actress plays a robot. It also happened in Kamen Rider Zero-One when Noa Tsurihime is Izu. This episode has Makabe order the deaths of deserters making them an example. Toko was momentarily converted into a battle robot. Toko considers Yamaguchi her "father". Yamaguchi never expected his creation to develop such feelings.

What's truly disturbing is how Makabe could tamper with Toko's feelings. Toko is forced to see the repeated tortures of her human creator Yamaguchi. I just want to pretend that Makabe already decided to forget about "Dr. Wily" after the Iron Will invention FLUNKED. This episode has a happy ending though. Unlike the other emotional episodes - Yamaguchi and Toko manage to escape Neo-Guild and live to tell the tale. Not everyone is so lucky huh?

Episode 36

Yet another emotional episode - this time by Kyoko Sagiyama. This is another emotional episode as Sagiyama likes to put it here and there. This episode has a very moral dilemma. A Shadow Robot is created to temporarily take place of a comatose boy named Hiroki. A robot was created to live as Hiroki then the memories will be returned when the real Hiroki wakes up. So Robot!Hiroki is created for that reason. His maternal grandfather soon feared the risk of the research. Yes, the risk is there as Makabe seeks to use this technology to conquer the world.

I love the conflict between Gun Gibson and Janperson here. Robot!Hiroki has no idea he's a robot. Makabe is one extremely cruel guy to devastate the dreams of Hiroki's parents for his own ambition. Gun Gibson knows that Robot!Hiroki is soon destined to be in the scrap pile. Gun Gibson shows Robot!Hiroki the truth of the matter. The Neo-Guild moves to get the Shadow Robot because they need the technology.

A bit of a weird thing happened. Robot!Hiroki uses one of Gun Gibson's pistols. This episode aired on October 3, 1993. Talk about a child actor firing a gun. Didn't that happen also in BLACK RX towards the end? What was bizarre was that a few days later - a seven-year-old boy murdered killed a family maid for changing the channel while he was watching the movie Robocop. Talk about the bizarre as Janperson is based on ROBOCOP in some way. 


See you again!
