To "Once Upon A Forest" With Love

Ah, the 1990s had some environmental messages such as Captain Planet and the Planeteers. There was Fern Gully which I first saw when I was seven years old. I think I was eight or nine when I saw Once Upon a Forest. It was just on television when I saw it. It had given animals human intelligence like in most cartoons. So how do the animals speak anyway? The whole plot explores the destructive potential of humanity in this 1 hour and 11 minutes film. It was a rather curious film that I watched as a child.  

The movie takes place called Dapplewood. The film begins with the furlings. They're Abigail the wood mouse, Edgar a mole, Russell a hedgehog, and Michelle a badger. Cornelius is Michelle's uncle and the teacher of the furlings. There are some human plots such as a person who throws a glass bottle and a truck full of toxic gas. The threat is no sentient person like Hexus in Fern Gully. Instead, it's a toxic gas that kills a lot of animals. Michelle's parents died and many are separated.

It becomes a movie about growing up for the furlings. I did watch Nostalgia Critic's review talking about the weirdness. The furlings save a bird who was about to drown in the mud. Yeah, that stupid funeral scene for a bird who hasn't died yet. There's also a racist squirrel named Waggs. There's a tough but sensible mouse named Willy. The task was all about finding the Lungwort plant - something that will save Michelle from her coma.

I still feel it was good to have some good humans. It shows that humans can still save the environment, Edgar was caught and a HUMAN saved him. The humans went into Dapplewood to do damage control. I think that part was meant to show people that they too have the potential to save as well. It was a pretty good message actually - even if it was delivered by critter characters! 
