Onslaught As The Final Boss Of "Marvel VS. Capcom: Clash Of Super Heroes"

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes became significant for two things -- it became responsible for naming the franchise sometime after Capcom created crossovers with Capcom games. Instead of just having Street Fighter characters -- more Capcom characters showed up during the crossover. After two games dealing with Apocalypse -- the menacing Onslaught was added. Onslaught was the result of Professor X's darker side emerging. Professor X mind-wiped Magneto after the latter sucked off Wolverine's adamantium skeleton. So yeah, ironic that Wolverine should be playable with his complete adamantium in this game. Onslaught was introduced as the final boss.

I remember playing Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes at the arcade. My mains were usually Classic Megaman and Ryu. I wasn't a big fan of the Special Partner system since it was chosen at random. Onslaught had two forms. The first form was a giant towering figure of Onslaught that could summon Sentinels (which he did in the comics), summon a random character (which had very little health and this was copied into Mortal Kombat 11 with Kronika), release a magnetic shockwave, fire a dangerous beam-type super, use some hyper gravity balls, and the guy was obviously unaffected by throw/contact type moves. The second form revealed a skull-like face and moved frequently on the screen. As someone who prefers to use the console -- I NEVER defeated Onslaught in the arcade version!

What made Onslaught difficult in the arcade was there was NO LIFE REFILL -- which was fair enough. It's because the arcade had a 2 vs. 2 fighting mechanic. There are times I felt sorry for Apocalypse being too easily crumbled. After one grueling battle with Apocalypse -- it was OVER. Onslaught knew how to toss in almost everything he's got in BOTH FORMS. However, that gave an extra layer of challenge -- forcing players to manage their tag teams as effectively as possible. Doing a high jump, block, high jump, wasn't really an easy thing.  

The EX edition modified things. Fortunately, there's a life refill after the first form is defeated -- fair enough due to the lack of true tag team play caused by memory constraints! Onslaught was also a playable character but no Onslaught vs. Onslaught -- that would totally CRASH the gameplay! I remember playing Onslaught against human players as well. It was fun to actually troll human players. However, Onslaught would be totally banned by tournament standards due to his unfair stats. It was only fair that Abyss (not to be confused with the Marvel character) wasn't playable by any means in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes.

I'd think that Onslaught was cooler than Abyss. Abyss had three forms but the character lags the whole round. Heck, I even believe every match in Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes takes TOO LONG to complete. That's why I still believe Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite did the right thing to return to 2 vs. 2. Onslaught's two forms were truly menacing without dragging a fight too far. 
