Charlie Nash In The "Marvel VS. Capcom" Series' Alternate Story

The Marvel vs. Capcom series is built on a What-If storyline. Interestingly, Charlie was brought into the Marvel vs. Capcom series instead of Col. William Guile. Guile made his debut in the Street Fighter II series. Charlie's story was set up in the Street Fighter Alpha series -- which took place after the first Street Fighter game but before Street Fighter II series. Charlie made it into X-Men vs. Street Fighter with a slightly modified version of his fate. Street Fighter Alpha 3 gave some interesting details such as how Cammy was made as a female version of the Dictator (which is just bad writing IMHO) and Charlie's death. 

X-Men vs. Street Fighter has some what-if endings. However, Charlie's ending was confirmed canon. Charlie went missing and was assumed dead. However, it turned out that the Dictator decided to turn Charlie into Shadow. Shadow was a secret playable character in Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter and a Special Partner in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. Shadow was an evil version of Charlie. That makes me ask why Guile never made it into the Marvel vs. Capcom series -- except in Marvel vs. Capcom 2

However, Marvel vs. Capcom 2 restored Charlie to his normal self. A lack of comic book series failed to explain things. The story is all in the manual. Charlie would no longer return in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. Neither did Charlie show up in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. Nothing explains why Charlie never showed up beyond Marvel vs. Capcom 2

In the canon -- it was assumed that Charlie actually died. Guile's Street Fighter II series ending is semi-canonical. The American version inserted Cambodia but not the Japanese version. Was there some reason why the American version put Cambodia into the text? Charlie was resurrected BTS by the Illuminati -- only to DIE AGAIN. 
