Dagoth: The Failed Potential Of The Real Main Villain Of "Conan The Destroyer"?

It's understood that Conan the Barbarian (1982) had a more solid storytelling. However, after watching Conan the Destroyer -- I feel the movie that came after was a MESS. I may consider it a watchable mess now (unlike Conan and the Young Warriors released in 1994). However, I feel that Dagoth the Dreaming God was a wasted villain. Dagoth was supposedly the Bigger Bad of the movie. Queen Taramis of Shadizar the Wicked was the supposed main villain. However, Taramis' true aim was to release her master (and implied love interest) Dagoth from the statuesque form.

Conan the Destroyer's plot had Taramis want to get the Horn of Dagoth. Two artifacts were needed namely the jewel and the horn. There was a watered-down version of Thoth-Amon (played by the late Pat Roach) with a cheesy wrestling scene. There were the Protectors of the Horn. Taramis' deceptive personality was most likely the basis for Mesmira in Conan the Adventurer. Sadly, the statue form of Dagoth just showed the kind of character he was. Dagoth was nothing more than a one-dimensional character or a mere plot device.

Granted, I saw Conan the Adventurer (1992) first before seeing the bloody Conan films. Wrath-Amon frequently communicated with Cartoon Set the Serpent God via a statue. Was giving Dagoth limited dialogue in statue form not thought of? I even thought that Dagoth should be seen talking to Taramis. Taramis could've been seen bowing down to Dagoth's statue form and saying, "My lord, soon you will be complete!" Dagoth could've said in his statue form, "You must give me the proper sacrifice! A virgin sacrifice!" Instead, Dagoth became nothing more than having the character development of a PIECE OF STONE.

Dagoth was potentially more destructive than Movie Thulsa. I love how the dark finale played. However, my big problem was Dagoth was reduced to nothing more than a roaring beast. All Dagoth did was act like a savage animal. Was it because the high priest was slain in the place of Princess Jehnna? Viewers may have to just guess it out or come up with their own conclusions. However, I felt Dagoth should've said, "Taramis! You gave me an improper sacrifice! For this you must die!" That is Dagoth wrongly blames Taramis when Female Zula killed the high priest. Dagoth could've murdered Taramis with a moral compass. Instead, Dagoth was nothing more than a mindless beast for the final battle.

I may no longer have that fond love for Conan the Adventurer. However, I feel that the cartoon's finale was better written than Conan the Destroyer's finale. Sure, Conan the Adventurer had a PG-7 rating so it had to be toned down. However, Cartoon Set the Serpent God spoke through other means. Cartoon Set the Serpent God put not just one city but the WHOLE WORLD into chaos. Cartoon Set the Serpent God had to be struck with all the Star Metal weapons of the main cast -- all before the true villain was banished into the Abyss. I felt Movie Conan destroying Dagoth by ripping off the latter's horn was a letdown. Dagoth was supposed to be a supernatural threat. Movie Conan has more vulnerabilities than Cartoon Conan. Dagoth's defeat was just pretty hurriedly written.

It's safe to assume that the producers of Conan the Adventurer had no interest in Dagoth because of that. Instead, Mesmira as an obvious expy for Movie Taramis became a worshiper of Cartoon Set the Serpent God. 
