A Beautiful Desperation Disney Could've Tried Last 2017

Since it's December and there's the term Disneycember - I just want to throw in a bit of a joke right now. I always feel the return of Palpatine is simply asking the evilest Sith lord to bail them out of possible criticism. I also feel that Disney now has a hotter Mulan just as another desperate attempt to bail them out. So, I'd like to throw in a bit of a crude joke to make fun of the two situations. They could've done it last 2017.

While I did write about casting Emma Roberts as Belle - I just want to divert it on. Roberts is more or less a live version of Belle complete from the pretty face to rather being flat in some way. Since, Liu Yi Fei is actually a way hotter Mulan - I thought Disney could've thought of having a hotter Belle. My pick would be Gracie Dzienny as Belle. It's because she's not only pretty but she's also really sexy - she would have made Belle way hotter than she was in 1991. It was a beautiful desperation Disney could've pulled last 2017 but didn't. But even if it did - I would probably still cremate the remake with scathing comments like I did with Power Rangers Megaforce.

Somehow, I'm just laughing at Disney right now for ruining childhood memories with bad remakes!
