Special Post: Remembering Movie Thulsa In The Light Of James Earl Jones' Death


I remember watching an edited version of Conan the Barbarian as a child. The movie scared me a lot -- even if it lacked prolonged torture scenes. I thought the movie was for children. However, seeing the film has made me look at Conan the Adventurer more as an old shame. If there's one character that I thought defined the late James Earl Jones (JEJ) -- it's not Darth Vader (as a voice) but him as Movie Thulsa Doom. Most adaptations of Thulsa Doom resembled Skeletor from the He-Man series. Movie Thulsa was more akin to the snake wizard Thoth-Amon. It's unknown why they used the name Thulsa Doom instead of Thoth-Amon. Was it because the name Thulsa Doom sounded scarier than Thoth-Amon? 

Movie Thulsa was the leader of the snake worshipers. He was portrayed as a cowardly character who used psychological manipulations and magic. The film begins with Movie Thulsa's two henchmen Rexor (played by the late Ben Davidson) and Thorgrim (played by Steve Ole Thorsen) leading the attack. Since I saw the Conan the Adventurer cartoon first -- there was no search for Star Metal. Movie Thulsa had the place torn piece by piece. Conan's parents were massacred instead of turned into living stone. Of course, such a plot wouldn't fit into the TV-Y7-FV setting of Conan the Adventurer. The Serpent Men mean business and they destroy the Cimmerian village. Movie Thulsa uses hypnosis and beheads Conan's mother. Talk about extreme trauma!

Years later, Movie Thulsa remodels the Cult of Set. He always had a thing for making people fight for him. The Cult of Set starts to recruit disenchanted youths who have become his underlings. In no time, even kings fear him and his evil has become legend. He gets more and more followers. Eventually, the Princess of Zamora (named Yasimina in the novelization) becomes part of the Cult of Set. Movie Thulsa aims to capture the world for his serpent god Set. It was implied by King Osric's narration that the Princess of Zamora was to be "his". That implies that Movie Thulsa planned to marry Yasimina so he could secure Zamora. Zamora was full of trade routes where the influence of the Snake Cult could spread.

Over the years, Movie Thulsa changes his philosophy from seeking steel alone to controlling flesh. After all, what's greater than steel than the hand that wields it? There's a saying that the pen is mightier than the sword. The pen can help influence ideals and GET MORE SWORDS in the process. Movie Thulsa demonstrates his power by making one of his female followers JUMP TO HER DEATH. A deleted scene had a male follower stabbing himself. Movie Thulsa controls people who carry steel weapons for him. The steel weapons would be useless unless Movie Thulsa had an army of blind followers. This was all demonstrated when Conan was captured and brought before him. Movie Thulsa later orders Conan to be crucified. 

Movie Thulsa shows most people are disposable to him. It's not known why Movie Thulsa became a snake during the attack. It's said that Movie Thulsa sensed danger and HE IS A COWARD. However, I love the Nostalgia Critic's ridicule. It seems that Movie Thulsa turns into a snake at certain times. Movie Thulsa was willing to abandon Yasimina if convenient. However, it seems Movie Thulsa was also calling for reinforcements when he escaped. Later on, Movie Thulsa turns back into his human form and declares he's going to have his revenge.

What still bothers me is Movie Thulsa's murdering Valeria with a snake arrow. Why doesn't Movie Thulsa kill Valeria instead of Conan? It's either Bond Villain Stupidity (to save the best for last) or he's just plain spiteful. Conan stole away Yasimina so why not murder Valeria? Valeria did have the Eye of the Serpent -- probably that's why Movie Thulsa killed her. Either way, I felt that Movie Thulsa was probably saving Conan as "best for last". 

Movie Thulsa plans to get Yasimina back. Movie Thulsa gets his army of Serpent Men to get the princess back. As always, Movie Thulsa leaves the fighting to his Serpent Men. After seeing the battle is lost -- Movie Thulsa does his spiteful magic. Movie Thulsa uses a snake arrow to try and murder Yasimina. Yasimina sees the truth that she's nothing but Movie Thulsa's disposable. Subotai saves Yasimina from the snake arrow. Movie Thulsa flees like the coward that he is. 

Later, Movie Thulsa orders a grand genocide. Some speculate that this was supposed to be a suicide ritual. However, the words are a call for the Snake Worshipers to kill everyone who opposes the worship of Set -- be it their family or leaders! The original film had Conan infiltrate without Yasimina. Thankfully, that scene was later added in because it showed how complacent Thulsa was. Movie Thulsa could've still used the princess. Instead, Movie Thulsa's seeking to murder the princess just to spite Conan backfired. The same princess he tried to murder -- later led Conan a secret passage. Movie Thulsa tries to hypnotize Conan but it backfires. Conan uses the broken sword to kill Movie Thulsa -- the same sword Movie Thulsa used to behead Conan's mother.

The cult fell apart after Movie Thulsa's role as Chief Servant of Set was ended. Why didn't the followers fight back? It's most likely that the chain of command was gone. Without Rexor or Thorgrim -- there was no leading force to lead the Snake Worshipers. The cult fell apart as a result of Movie Thulsa's death. The powerful influence that Movie Thulsa had was destroyed in that instant. 

I'd say that every scene Movie Thulsa has -- JEJ can make one forget it was just a movie! The curtains finally fell for JEJ. However, JEJ will be remembered among the other late legends in the world of entertainment.
