Proofs of Extreme Favoritism for Power Rangers

Well there's always those annoying PR extremists and here are some signs I can see...

They'll always make lies about Power Rangers and Super Sentai to make Super Sentai look bad and Power Rangers look good.  If Super Sentai extremists aren't the only ones who call Power Rangers as fake and what they like the real deal, the Power Rangers can do it too!  They can make up lies like Power Rangers came first (but closer analysis shows how splicing is done).  Such people exist from Rangerboard and they are just too much.  They call Power Rangers as fake and Super Sentai the real deal.  What is worse they already jump into conclusions most likely without really seeing Super Sentai.

Fantasy Leader shows his thoughts:
"Unfortunately, many people really don't care for Sentai to try and expand itself outside of Japan, saying that Power Rangers is more than enough. And on an even more extreme level, certain people on Rangerboard wish to make sure that Sentai stays in Japan and to never expand from it."

Also, Fantasy Leader has disproven the Lost Galaxy over Gingaman lie though both series imo ROCK, only if I can see more of Gingaman though.

Cultural bias anyone?  And I just thought Power Rangers delivers the message of racial unity but racial unity isn't only in America.  So yeah, Sentai are all Japanese team.  So I just had my thoughts on these guys would immediately label anything as Japanese to be "inferior" and everything American as superior like this kind cf really freakingly childish comment:
"you dont know shit about power ranger was the bomb, it pissed sentai 2000 times.If sentai were so great then it would be just as or more popular, you ask any kid senati thell give you a "what you talkkin about willis" look.The U.S. invented the idea about electronics and maufactured the first home comp.Japen made it better but you dont hear me pissing on there parade bitching like you!We just did the same thing and did it better so climb out of your ass and accept Power Rangers rules."- MrCYCLOPSXMEN12330 (this guy can't spell properly, must be less than 10 when he wrote this!)

Bashing Kou in favor of Tommy just because he's a child.  I think they could mostly belong to Justin haters so they call Kou as "Justin disgracing Tommy."  Or maybe, they like Justin but hate Kou.  What losers.

Maybe I should add preconceived biases towards Shinkenger.  Seriously watch Shinkenger first!!!!
