There were some villains in Power Rangers that had no Super Sentai counterparts. However it seemed they were inspired by these Super Sentai villains...
Apparently Astronema had her inspiration from Changeman's Shiima, being kidnapped as a child and brainwashed to serve an evil organization. Like Shiima, she went from brainwashed and crazy to earning her happy ending.
Dark Specter and Bazoo- Both use astral projections and are pretty much intimidating to their subordinates. In the case of Dark Specter, his full combat abilities were never know as he was easily destroyed by Darkonda in an act of betrayal.
In the case of Trakeena, I might really give her credit of inspiration to Ahames from Changeman. Both are scheming, manipulative and would do anything to accomplish their task. Plus, both of them were loyal to their respective planets.
Apparently Astronema had her inspiration from Changeman's Shiima, being kidnapped as a child and brainwashed to serve an evil organization. Like Shiima, she went from brainwashed and crazy to earning her happy ending.
Dark Specter and Bazoo- Both use astral projections and are pretty much intimidating to their subordinates. In the case of Dark Specter, his full combat abilities were never know as he was easily destroyed by Darkonda in an act of betrayal.
In the case of Trakeena, I might really give her credit of inspiration to Ahames from Changeman. Both are scheming, manipulative and would do anything to accomplish their task. Plus, both of them were loyal to their respective planets.
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