My Fantasy: Remaking Harvest Moon Back to Nature For Several Game Consoles!

So I thought Harvest Moon: Back to Nature was a really fun game for the PS1.  Knowing that the PS3 is still around and there will be the PS4 soon enough, we may consider some games may be best remade.  My opinion is with Harvest Moon: Back to Nature being remade into a more "current generation" system.  So here's what I think can be done.

My fantasy of the game involves the following:

Making a similar control scheme from Harvest Moon: Innocent Life but sticks true to the spirit of Harvest Moon: Back to Nature.  

Set Mineral Town in a more "futuristic setting" which involves a hybrid of Innocent Life and Friends of Mineral Town.  That is, you can have moo-matics, cluck-matics, sheep-matics and a 
buggy for going around town.
Change marriage settings.  Each wife does a special attribute similar to the wives in Harvest Moon.
Introduce a plot that may soon go all the way from bachelor to married man.  The game ends after three years.  The Fire Spirit warns that unless you can restore the farm, the volcano will explode. 
Marriage cannot happen unless your farm is restored but can be done within three years.
Certain pictures will determine the events to happen in your ending.
