Wishful Cosplaying Anyone?

After I refuse to really give too much of a big comparison between GoGoFive and Lightspeed Rescue since one are a group of siblings while the other isn't (except for Grandienne and Bansheera because I felt that Grandienne's plot didn't make it due to executive meddling), I just thought what if this happened at Morphicon 2016?

Let Sean CW Johnson dress up as Ryoma Kagawa and let Mike Chaturantabut dress up as the main heroes from Winspector and Solbrain. I guess that would be a better treat than them wearing the Lightspeed Rescue jackets. Neither GoGoFive jackets nor Lightspeed Rescue jackets really look much better than the other. I think trying other Tokusatsu hero costumes would be better. While Super Sentai did birth Power Rangers but there's still other shows that may be better (for some anyway) than certain seasons of Super Sentai and Power Rangers.

That event wouldn't feel complete without Hiroshi Miyauchi going to Power Morphicon. He's the man. He might probably pat the Lightspeed Rescue team at the back and say, "Keep up the good work and helping us cover whatever we can't handle." He could dress up as Captain William Mitchell for that occasion. The legendary Captain Shunsuke Masaki would give the Lightspeed Rescue team his salutations. I think Captain Masaki and Captain William Mitchell may also become great friends complementing one another.
