Trying To Sit Through Kamen Rider Stronger!

Why I never call myself a die-hard Kamen Rider fan either is because of the strange truth that I usually prefer mostly old school Super Sentai (but I can enjoy new school series depending on the situation) while I prefer mostly new school Kamen Rider. I guess it's just preference or that Kamen Rider tends to feel more "mature" for me.

So what's it like taking another super old school Kamen Rider? I always have to give myself some slack considering it's the 70s. Kamen Rider Amazon has good choreography in the midst of old hat special effects. Sometimes, I even ask myself, "How much of the old school Kamen Rider willing to watch before I'm tempted to sleep through it?" I admit every time it's some super old school Kamen Rider from the Showa era, I immediately develop this bias due to the generation gap.

Then again, watching either super new school Super Sentai or super old school Kamen Rider can also be entertaining. My only fear might be a lack of familiarity makes me hesitate to pick up something so old or so new. But again, something's value is never determined by old school or new school but how well it's carried. I don't know yet what I'd think of Kamen Rider Stronger but one thing's certain, I'm enjoying all its action scenes.
