My Favoritism For Kimberly Also Caused My Dislike For Power Rangers

I had a couple of thoughts of how a character created by a certain franchise or company would make me dislike the company in the long run. It's just like how I used to like Marvel but the way the new staff involved dealt with my favorite heroes and villains got me not to get updated on it. The way Capcom is dealing with games I grew up with is making me hate them. The same goes for why I don't like Power Rangers. My issues with Power Rangers revolves around how things get implemented for the worse in several cases such as rushed plots, the two season split, the Disney era and I could talk about one particular character: KIMBERLY. Yes her.

I could remember that no matter how much I watch Zyuranger that I'll always like Kimberly better than Mei. I thought about how Mighty Morphin's treatment of her would just make me say WTF is wrong with them? She went from a character who could hold on her own to becoming more and more of Tommy's damsel in distress. I guess Amy Jo Johnson wanted O-U-T of the franchise but was denied because of her character. While I was sad to see Kimberly leave but I think I can be happy with how the actress finally got out of a show that wasn't bringing her anywhere. Then came that stupid Dear Tommy letter which was just an insult to the character herself. That alone caused me to get mad at the franchise especially when I discovered about Super Sentai.

A couple of years later just made me think about how the Shinkenger/Decade crossover still makes me give a dirty finger to "A Friend in Need". Her being sick was just so stupid. That alone made me think that one reason why I walked out of Power Rangers is because of what the franchise did to her. If anything, Mako succeeded in being a new generation Kimberly compared to what Power Rangers would do. Maybe you can think my favoritism for Kimberly made me like Super Sentai better. 

Years later, I still will always consider Emma Goodall a failed remake of her. No, I don't think I'd blame Christina Masterson but the people who gave her that sh*tty script. Let's face it... only if the Megafail Rangers will one way or another forget the disaster they've been through and succeed somewhere else. Oh, and Sarah isn't doing anything either. 
