What Do Jason David Frank Fanboys And Hercule Fanboys Have In Common?

Today is Jason David Frank's birthday. Hurrah! Well I wanted to give a comparison between him and the fictional character Hercule or Mr. Satan as he's known in Japan. I remembered watching Dragon Ball Z back then and I still can't forget how Hercule makes the "grand entrance" as the "world champion". He even stole Gohan's victory against Cell and claimed himself as the world champion. The world has been having an impression he's their hero while the real heroes remain hidden. In short, he stole what's rightfully due to the champions of Dragon Ball Z.

How is Jason David Frank and his fans the same? JDF himself tends to brag how "great" Tommy is and you have fandoms who tend to have JDF as the only color of their spectrum. Want to say how great MMPR is? They use JDF never mind Burai's the real true badass legend who makes green with evil... well green with evil... with a really sinister laugh. Tommy's laugh was just f***ing stupid and it's neither funny nor scary. Some of them probably say Ohranger is inferior to Zeo because of again... Tommy. And maybe some think Dino Thunder is superior to Abaranger because of again... Tommy.

I thought this scene was already lame-o even before I saw the Zyuranger scene where Burai challenged Griforther. After I saw Burai beat Griforther in episode 18 of Zyuranger it's even more official that JDF is just an overrated guy. Also, Goldar in that scene was pretty much a decayed character. But for the JDF fanboys I think they'll just keep saying JDF is the best even if they see real, better action scenes than this one. For them he's still the best and that alone makes me think he's a real life Hercule from Dragon Ball Z.
