My First Impressions On Spielban

Ah yes -- it's time for another random watch (from me) from an entry of the now defunct Metal Hero series. I just saw the rather bloody Girls in Trouble movie of the Space Squad movies. I remembered I discovered how VR Troopers or what I love to call as VR TRIPPERS was based on Metalder and Spielban. So I decided to watch Spielban subbed by Metallic Fan Subs in order to find out how Hiroshi Watari was in fact -- that much of a legend during the 80s. He started out as Sharivan in the Space Sheriff Trilogy and ended up as a totally different character in Sharivan.

The villains too are more complex with this one. Dr. Bio is actually Spielban's father but he doesn't know it yet or that Hellvira is actually Helen -- his sister. Well, Girls in Trouble did have its own version of Hellvira but I'm yet to see the original Hellvira -- not the one that Toei decided to create a modernized version that worked well in the Girls in Trouble movie.

I admit, I've been long spoiled long ago about how Spielban ended. Yes, I knew about the whole Planet Clin was actually Planet Earth or that how Wahrer (a pun on water) was actually nothing more than a non-existent figurehead (like the Org Master in Gaoranger was just used by the Highnesses) for Queen Pandora (acted by the legendary deceased Soga Machiko) to manipulate her followers. Also, I've seen various raw footage of Sharivan including the ending but it isn't all fun if you can't understand what's spoken, right?

So far, I'm trying to really get to watch some Spielban. Meanwhile, I just feel like I wish Sailor Otaku will really Lightspeed Rescue his now lagged Exceedraft project!


  1. I really wanna watch Spielban because I feel its really good from clips I've seen


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