Lightspeed Rescue And Time Force's Missed Potential And Vindication By History?

I could go ahead and still not think about Lightspeed Rescue at all while watching GoGoFive and I thought Time Force's toning things down actually worked their way. But I wonder what REALLY happened for these shows to get a budget cut in the form of only 40 episodes?! You can think of several reasons why I think these shows NEEDED extra episodes before they ended. There are several stuff that the American side had that the Japanese side didn't have which I will discuss over and out.

I may be a huge Timeranger fan, I still think it's Yasuko Kobayashi's best work but I think Ransik was more entertaining than Don Dolnero -- especially with how he's a futuristic version of Dr. Giba from Jiban. Ransik had some depth in spite of his tendency to suffer from character decay -- you can think of how Hirohisa Soda ended up turning Garoa from a genuine threat to an idiot. Maybe we can also talk more about Trust and Triumph probably needed to be a two part arc. I would have liked to see more of Wesley getting more vulnerability like Tatsuya and Jen actually explained more of her backstory with Alex. Hmmm TBH I still wonder though was Alex still meant to be the Bigger Bad who faked his death? It was implied in Circuit Unsure that somehow he was planned to be -- thankfully that didn't happen! Then I think about it that maybe Eric should've also appeared not too early (and not too late either since I think Naoto's midseason appearance was a huge delay) -- a mistake that both Ninninger and Kyoryuger did later on with sixth rangers!

Now for Lightspeed Rescue and the fact it had its original sixth ranger nowhere found in GoGoFive. Okay, I wonder could they have used Demon Hunter's armor for Ryan? I wish they did considering it could have put him differently from the others and it would have been a better symbol of his redemption. More episodes could've actually helped flesh Ryan out as Dana's older brother and Captain Mitchell's son. Maybe some extra episodes of the deal with Diabolico and make Ryan appear a little later? Maybe the 17th episode perhaps? Also, I thought much buildup could also help devote itself to Diabolico and Loki -- not especially when GoGoFive's footage of Zylpheeza shooting Kobolda which I think they should have filmed their own footage for that scene.

Pretty much, I wonder did this suffer almost the same fate as Metalder where it was immediately wrapped up so fast? I even wonder was it that these two shows were too ambitious for their own good just like Metalder? I even heard how GoGoFive and Timeranger (while getting a yearlong run) did have problems with younger audiences but they did have a yearlong run. Hmmm I wonder if these two actually got backlash perhaps by the budgeting department because of the huge ambition Judd Lynn probably had. Lost Galaxy (which I just feel neutral about now thanks to Flashman which is a totally different show and not its source material) looks so much it had a huge budget for 45 episodes. Metalder had so much potential with its more serious plots but the fan reception caused it to crash. It also reminded me of what I don't like about some Showa era Riders -- some of them are just too rushed like Kamen Rider X (35 episodes), Kamen Rider Amazon (24 episodes) and Kamen Rider Stronger (39 episodes) or why I prefer Combattler V (54 episodes) in contrast to Voltes V (40 episodes).

But I do think that no matter how much I've ended up disliking Power Rangers for most of its run (Disney to Neo-Saban era really messed it up) -- I think these series may still get Vindicated by History in one way or another. Maybe, we've got fans now who are using these shows to show what's wrong with the current era of Power Rangers. They have a great cast (and I think Carter, Chad and Joel could've been America's Exceedraft) and some ambitious concepts so let's give them that!
