Is Palpatine's Presence In "The Rise Of Skywalker" Just A Clear Sign Of Desperation By Disney?

Is it me or does Disney really RUIN everything now? Marvel is ruined by them with SJW agenda. Now, I even think they've ruined ALMOST. EVERY. CLASSIC. they made themselves. Now, it's time to think about how Star Wars itself is ruined by Disney one way or another. I really find the Disney Canon to be dull and uninspired in contrast to the Legends Canon. Yes, the Legends Canon by George Lucas. I could understand if Disney wanted to make their own Star Wars continuity to avoid conflict with the Legends Canon but it's not really worth a drop. Now, it's time to consider that Disney may have had the nasty habit of trying to bail itself out at the superficial level.

Palpatine is indeed returning for The Rise of Skywalker, which is just a bailout for me. Everybody in the Star Wars fandom just loves Palpatine as a villain, right? If there's any Star Wars villain I'd say is also iconic aside from Darth Vader (who's apparently more popular) then it's Darth Sidious or Palpatine himself. I mean, who really created the most badass evil empire, had weapons that could later outmatch the Yuuzhan Vong (such as the Death Star, Death Star II, and the Galaxy Gun), and even returned for a novel trilogy called The Dark Empire Trilogy where he returned to haunt the Skywalkers in several clone bodies? The trilogy of his return had to be one of the best stories ever. It's no doubt Palpatine is indeed one of the most popular villains ever. If I've got any favorite Star Wars villain or favorite Dark Side user - it has to be his infernal majesty, Emperor Palpatine!

I wonder is Disney really trying or hoping Palpatine's popularity as a villain will bail them out? Sadly, the first two stories of Episodes VII and VIII are nowhere near as good as The Dark Empire trilogy. Dark Empire truly makes him truly terrifying. But with Palpatine suddenly returning in The Rise of Skywalker then I think his presence is just to be, "Well Palpatine, I hope you can bail us out after two Star Wars movies that may have pissed off old-time fans!"I think it's just too random to suddenly bring him back after two movies where Supreme Leader Snoke was already effectively the antagonist for some time.

Either way, may the Dark Side of the Force crush the Disney Canon!
