What I Think Beast Wars Improved After Its Generation-1 Predecessor

Whether you like it or not but Beast Wars may be an entirely different group of characters but it's still part of the Generation 1 (G1) Continuity. How the Maximals and Predacons are supposedly descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons isn't explained. Robot biology anyone? What was certain is that Beast Wars Megatron simply took the name after the original Megatron. I wasn't ready to accept the new era of Transformers until I realized it was all part of the same universe. Why Hasbro decided to make Beast Wars part of the G1 Continuity rather than its own continuity kind of bothers me. But I'd like to give some praises to a series that actually deserved its praise.

Trying to actually have a different set that managed to differ even more from its predecessor

While Beast Wars is indeed part of the G1 Continuity but takes place sometime later (though they landed on a primitive Earth which may have disrupted the G1 timeline - go figure). I really love how the characters in the first season before going Transmetals have found new ways to sell new toys. Ever remembered how the animal robots in the past didn't look organic? The first set of toys now has an organic look. Need I mention since it's some time after the original ended (and maybe, we can just discard the Japanese Transformers as non-canon since it wasn't Hasbro's continuity) that they have better weapons now? Granted, it's the 90s so yeah!

Not introducing too many toys at once is a nice change of pace

I think the problem with the original G1 cartoon was that you had too many characters. While I did like the G1 cartoon better for the civilian involvement - I think Beast Wars does better in how it gradually introduces the new characters. You started out five vs. five but you later had more characters incoming at a steady pace. You slowly get to see them develop. It wasn't like the Transformers movie where suddenly new Autobots were introduced and other new enemies out of the blue. I think it's a good move not to introduce way too many toys at once to maintain quality.

Rhinox and Cheetor are improved versions of Ultra Magnus and Hotrod

I could talk on and on about how Optimus Primal not getting killed off can make things better. However, I'd like to focus on Rhinox and Cheetor as better versions of Ultra Magnus and Hotrod. Hot Rod was just introduced as a young Autobot who suddenly arose to be the leader by chance. No, not Cheetor. Cheetor is gradually matured from his Hot Rod like personality. Maybe, Cheetor would still commit a similar blunder or self-blaming that Hot Rod would. Rhinox is what if Ultra Magnus were introduced since the first day of the cartoon. Why Rhinox was turned into Tankor in the failed Beast Machines is worse than Ultra Magnus' sudden death in the ridiculous Japanese Headmasters cartoon.

Dinobot is an improved version of Sixshot

Sixshot was a character who started out as a Decepticon but would later betray them. The Headmasters cartoon developed him more than the Hasbro continuity. It was because the Hasbro continuity stopped after the three-part failed Rebirth arc. Headmasters did have Sixshot as a real menace who even killed Ultra Magnus. Okay, I'm not saying that Dinobot should've killed Rhinox, okay? Dinobot starts off as a disgruntled Predacon who would join the Maximals early on. I like how he was developed better than that Transformers Victory did to Sixshot who was upgraded into Greatshot. Greatshot hardly had any appearances. Dinobot had more development than Sixshot was granted. Hopefully, Hasbro will try to make it clear whether or not they still acknowledge the Japanese cartoon as part of their continuity or not.

Beast Wars Megatron is actually smarter than his namesake

The original G1 Megatron was somewhat of your typical 1980s cartoon villain. Granted, the original Megatron in the cartoon was an 80s villain so he was prone to ridiculous plans like Cobra Commander. G1 Megatron felt like he was like Cobra Commander - he was always making rather ridiculous half-brained plans and shouting for a tactical retreat when things got bad. The Beast Wars Megatron seems to have more brilliant ideas that actually made him better. He wasn't too fond of shouting "Predacons! Retreat!" Plus, he had a better way of handling Terrorsaur than G1 Megatron had in handling Starscream. It's also good that Beast Wars Megatron didn't turn into a psychotic rampaging idiot after he fell into the lava. He still maintained that cunning that made the movie Galvatron a scare.
