My Thoughts On That Flopped Charlie's Angels 2019 Reboot

I'm so amazed at how Elizabeth Banks (who you may know is Rita Repulsa in the Power Rangers (2017) movie) is barking at the wrong tree. Blaming men for the movie's failure? Please, that's so stupid. I really hit my face on the desk just hearing about how Banks blames men for its failure. Somehow, with Banks on it, it was already predictable it was going to fail. That Power Rangers (2017) movie really had it coming with the SJW stupidity (which sadly takes advantage of people with disabilities and identity crisis), boring plotlines, and annoying sob stories - the very same reason why Charlie's Angels (2019) just had it coming too. Better rename the movie to Charlie's Fallen Angels, right?

Let's consider the fact that you may have women liking a movie with a male lead and men liking a movie with a female lead. As a guy, I usually don't mind the gender of the lead as long as he or she can do it right. Some of my favorite franchises have women protagonists. I would even dare say it out loud that I usually prefer a Resident Evil game at the viewpoint of a woman protagonist like Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield than the men in the game. Okay, I do like the men in the game too but you have to admit Resident Evil got popularized because of the female protagonists too. Wonder Woman, for instance, is obviously a woman empowerment symbol yet you have men watching that film. The Wolverine film franchise is male-oriented yet women watch it. I remembered watching She-Ra: Princess of Power as much as He-Man. I didn't care if it was a man or a woman - what's important is the good script! You may even find a woman who actually enjoys action-heavy shows with a male lead or the other way around.

Let's think of two versions of Charlie's Angels. You can have the 70s hit action that empowered women. Both the classic hit series and the 2000s film series are still better. Though who can forget how Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle failed to be like its predecessor - the same way Conan the Destroyer flopped in contrast to Conan the Barbarian? Then you have the TV series during the 1970s which lasted for 115 episodes due to its high success. What both of them have in common are truly badass women who aren't affected by the woke phenomenon. That's something Banks just failed to do in her movie. Didn't she even learn from the problems that faced the Power Rangers (2017) movie also affected the reboot? Did she also forget that the franchise has a man being the boss of the three women protagonists too?

Worse, there are also some women who blame it all on men too. That's what Banks is probably doing right now. Some women start a fight with men thinking that they can get away with it because they will always be the victim. This victim mentality isn't helping women but it's only making them worse. Apparently, that's what Banks is trying to promote as she blames men for the failure of her films. She then tries to weasel her way out by saying Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman were aimed for men? Did she even realize that those figures were meant to empower women? Doesn't she even see Charlie hired his three angels to empower them? The three heroines have the victor mentality who wouldn't let ANYONE whether man or woman bully them. It's all about, "I'm a woman and I'll NEVER let anyone bully me - not even a fellow woman!"

Any true woman empowerment takes place in different forms. You don't always need a woman to be the lead star or main character. Do you ever realize that Batman and Robin do seldom need Batgirl to help them out? Do you notice that superhero teams led by men still have women as that important moral support that they can't do without? Do you even realize some male superheroes get the best advice to victory from female allies even those who have no superpowers or combat experience? Do you remember how sometimes Xena solved a problem better than Hercules? I guess that's what Banks may have conveniently ignored, right?
