So The Venjix Virus Infected Toei Ltd.'s Database?


So I was thinking about how Power Rangers Beast Morphers (no surprise at all) made Evox as a reformatted Venjix. Though before that, some vibes from Power Rangers RPM entered into Super Sentai with Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. No surprise, Judd Lynn is a fan of the series. Toei Ltd. brought in Go-Busters with some Power Rangers references such as "It's morphin' time" and calling every robot a Megazord. Mirai Sentai Timeranger brought in an enemy mecha called the G-Zord. Yasuko Kobayashi was also the writer of the first official TV crossover for Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. Venjix was defeated in RPM (though the show only lasted for 32 episodes which are just rushed) but he wasn't destroyed. There was a hint that Venjix would return. In Beast Morphers, he even managed to cross dimensions and entered the mainline universe since RPM belonged to a different continuity. That makes me imagine that Venjix actually crossed Toei Ltd.'s database and infected it!

My imagined infection of Venjix with Toei Ltd's database happened in Go-Busters. It's almost like that Venjix traveled back into time hoping to start a new infection but ended up hitting the Super Sentai continuity and became the Messiah Virus. The virus was fortunately contained within the building though it came to bite people back in their asses last 2012. I wonder did Kobayashi want to have a doomsday theme for Go-Busters but all the talks of 2012 doomsday caused the decision to be junked? I felt Go-Busters needed to be a doomsday Super Sentai and greatly improve RPM. Sadly, that never happened though I'd watch Go-Busters over RPM. Then again, I'm not going to ignore any flaws a Super Sentai series will have even if I can admit that I'm no fan of Power Rangers. Messiah got destroyed on Christmas Eve and was replaced by Enter for the finale arc.

However, it wasn't the last we'd see of Venjix in Toei's database after Go-Busters. I'd like to imagine the second infection actually worked itself with the Ark. How is the Ark like Venjix? Well, Gai Amatsu's carelessness was quite similar to Nate (Beast Morphers) and Dr. K (RPM). The Ark ended up becoming a malevolent software bent on destroying humanity and taking over the world with an army of robots. Although Ark is somewhat destroyed - it seems Venjix evolved into a virus that can rewrite itself with all the malice and hatred in the human heart. Apparently, it seems that the Evil Izu that appeared and maybe Kamen Rider Eden has the Ark software involved. It doesn't seem Toei will ever see the last of Venjix in Toei's database, huh? 
