So, "Power Rangers Cosmic Fury" Will Do Cast Recycling Instead?

I guess this is really where I'd say, "Does Power Rangers even know what it's doing?" First, we had the Saban era, the Disney era, the Neo-Saban era, and the Hasbro era. I recently thought of how it'd become 30 years since Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers aired in the US. What's next is that the next season is called Power Rangers: Cosmic Fury. More importantly, the Power Rangers Dino Fury cast is RETURNING - something I felt is one of the reasons why I tend to dodge Power Rangers. Here's an excerpt that made me think why I even felt Power Rangers in Space is an over-glorified mess that saved a franchise:

The landmark 30th season of Power Rangers will be titled Power Rangers Cosmic Fury.

Simon Bennett announced Cosmic Fury as part of Power Rangers Day 2022. Bennett serves as executive producer of the ongoing Power Rangers Dino Fury, which accounts for Seasons 28 and 29 of the overall Power Rangers franchise. Dino Fury's cast will return for Cosmic Fury, marking the first time since the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that a single Rangers cast lineup has gotten three seasons. Bennett himself is also returning as EP. Production on Cosmic Fury is slated to begin this fall, with Power Rangers' 30th season targeting a 2023 premiere.

This has me concerned. I felt that maybe Hasbro should've just skipped Beast Morphers entirely. I decided to check out Beast Morphers from start to end. What happened next was that I wrote about Beast Morphers' good points and missed potential. Reading what Henshin Grid said about Cosmic Fury's speculations. I really am thinking about this could be the direction...

Remembering why I freaking ended up saying the Zordon era truly was a mess IMHO 

I wonder if Dino Fury will start to follow what Power Rangers Turbo did. The final episode of Turbo ended with the midseason cast change FLYING INTO SPACE. We didn't get much of a finale that concluded Turbo like it did with its source material Gekisou Sentai Carranger. Carranger ended with the Carrangers defeating the Bowzock's true leader Exhaus, it gave a nice wrap-up, and that's it. Meanwhile, Turbo had the rangers lose their powers AND they had to travel to space to chase after Divatox only to run into a more powerful organization. One can say that the destruction of the Command Center added realism. Well, we had that plot when Dai Sentai Goggle V, Kagaku Sentai Dynaman, and Dengeki Sentai Changeman dared to do that. The difference is these shows gave a definite ending making new room for new stories.

I guess one reason I ended up disliking Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers is the overextension. I also felt that Choriki Sentai Ohranger has better story writing than Power Ranger Zeo due to its fresh start. I think I could also mention that I think Power Rangers Lost Galaxy is overhyped because it still kept trying to link itself back to the Zordon Arc - even after Zordon IS DEAD. Watching Choshinsei Flashman (which isn't the source material) made me realize Lost Galaxy is an overhyped mess that's a fan favorite. I even feel Judd Lynn's just overhyped by the fans

It had me thinking also while watching Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger for a start. Sure, I'm not the biggest fan of the show. However, I still feel that Zyuranger ENDING the show on the Doomsday Arc, having Kyukyoku Daizyujin finally defeat Dai Satan, and Bandora getting sealed was a relief. I could now wait for the next entry. One could watch Gosei Sentai Dairanger first and not get lost at where Zyuranger was. I could watch the source materials used for the Zordon Arc in ANY ORDER and not get lost. Instead, having to watch the shows in those sequences lacks flexibility. It almost reminds me of why I'm NOT even bothering to rewatch all the episodes of Ang Probinsyano one way or another.  I feel the way Super Sentai gets a fresh start AND a definite end is something. 

I even think that the way Solbrain wrote itself as a direct sequel to Winspector was better. Solbrain tells us there's the previous organization but it hardly focuses on that. Later, Ryoma returns in the crossover and becomes Knight Fire in later episodes. The big difference is Ryoma steps back in favor of Daiki is something. One could watch Solbrain first and then check the predecessor later without getting lost. I feel that the transition from Kamen Rider BLACK to its failed sequel Kamen Rider BLACK RX was done better. BLACK had a definite end where our hero defeats Gorgom and it could've ended there. Well, we know Toei Ltd. has its corporate greed as to why they made Kotaro the hero for BLACK RX and why they even complied with Saban's desire to create the Zyu2 footage. Toei Ltd. and Saban are probably best portrayed by the Cake Boss in Kamen Rider OOO. I felt Haim Saban's proposal was accepted because we know - ROYALTIES. Heck, even Taiyo Sentai Sun Vulcan didn't require one to see Denji Sentai Denziman first even if Queen Hedoria appeared. Hmmm... this reminds me that the late Soga Machiko was practically iconized as Rita Repulsa based on Witch Bandora and her other roles. Machiko was also the true villain of Dimension Warrior Spielban. She also starred in a 1976 series called 5 Nen 3 Kumi Mahou Gumi which I only heard of very recently.

This reminds me of why Super Sentai hardly made the next show a sequel. We never saw most of the starting episodes with the torch passed. We never saw a scene like Barza handing over the torch to Master Kaku to lead the Dairangers. We never saw how Mag from Flashman was a successor to Peebo - both who are Alpha-type robots all before Alpha Five existed. We never saw Peebo keep Barza's senile tendencies in check in Zyuranger. I felt that while such can be cool on paper - it could ultimately destroy replay value. That's why I'm actually thankful that Daimaou isn't Bandora's father and neither is Prince Junior her brother. That plot can work in a NON-CANON game but NEVER in actual shows. I was even thankful that Flashman started without having to throw back to Changeman. I was glad that Changeman never had Star King Bazoo gather the villains all the way from Black Cross up to New Empire Gear. Instead, it was a fresh start and Star King Bazoo's United Alliance of Evil ahem Great Star League Gozma had room for more development. Right now, I feel that Ahames had better execution than Trakeena would have 14 years later. Not that Trakeena wouldn't terrorize the Changemen and I think she'd probably still double-cross Captain Giluke. 

True, watching Denji Sentai Megaranger made me think more about the Hirohisa Soda era than it did about Space. Having a fresh new group instead of having the Carrangers take the power is indeed fresh. Heck, there's even that cool non-canon crossover that was possible. I even still think how Gekisou Sentai Carranger vs. Choriki Sentai Ohranger was an entertaining non-canon movie. I decided to really say that Megaranger's finale truly had an easier time wrapping it up than one messy single purge. I felt that not having Barza caught by the Nezire nor having villains from Black Cross up to Baranoia join together was a charm. I felt the United Alliance of Evil was a mess. Heck, why did I even bother to revive that group (at least, in my FAILED fanfic)? TBH, I'll admit part of my bizarre fantasies is where I'm Count Radiguet of Chojin Sentai Jetman and that bitch I hate is Empress Juuza. Dealing with too many characters can be a real mess. Maybe, one reason why I hate Super Hero Taisen series is that it's a lesson (for me) not to write too many characters at once. Not to mention, I really started to dislike Power Rangers all the more which makes me think I could dislike it without becoming an extremist.

Pretty much, a fresh start per entry of Super Sentai is what truly makes it fresh. I even feel why Jeff of Dryed Mangoez had even declared an apathy rant on Power Rangers.

The way Beast Morphers went really makes me think twice...

I could say that I watched Beast Morphers for two reasons. The first reason was curiosity to check how Hasbro will handle it. So far, the franchise still went on, right? Meanwhile, the second reason was because Zoey is prettier than Yoko. Well, Kimberly IS prettier than Mei but I'd still pick Zyuranger for a rewatch any day. I may also find Kimberly prettier than these other girls such as Rin, Tsurihime, Chisato, Yuuri, Nanami, Ranru, Jasmine, Sakura, Mako, Tsukasa, etc. but it's SUBSTANCE that has been important. Heck, I even feel that Kosoku Sentai Turboranger may still get vindicated by history and I'd watch it any day over Mighty Morphin'. I feel Turboranger was that big reason why Carranger and Megaranger managed to do better. 

Just think about how Jeff of Dryed Mangoez wrote his review. Sure, I might disagree with his praise for Ressha Sentai ToQGer BUT I found his rant at the end of his Beast Morphers review interesting rant at the end of his finale review:

The basic premise of this episode is actually very sound. It’s a typical finale plotline. Sacrifices are made, everyone is in danger. But with the show being so opposed to a serialized storyline (which doesn’t mean Operation Overdrive-type cliffhangers every week and really only means a clear, season-long plot), there’s never an opportunity to truly bank the emotions and connections necessary to make such a climax meaningful and impactful.

I mentioned it last week with the big Evenjix reveal. And it’s the same here.

I had to go back and check the Go-Busters episode the zord battle is from and confirmed that it was from the climactic Christmas episode. I won’t spoil it for anyone who hasn’t watched. But it was a stunning episode and probably one of my all-time favorites. Knowing what that moment meant and was a climax for, knowing how meaningful it was for the season, it’s hard to then come into Beast Morphers and see those scenes play out here. And again, that’s on me. That’s my problem and preference.

But it’s an example of how amazing scenes and episodes like that can be when there’s a consistent build up and development to really form a strong foundation for such events and climaxes.

Beast Morphers as a whole does not do that. When the endgame has to do more with pandering to the older, rose-colored glasses-wearing fans by referencing a season that is considered today to be one of the best or most “mature” as opposed to a story that is developed over the course of 40 episodes here, it’s just not going to hit the mark.

Like I said in my apathy rant, I’d rather have a well-written, good season with ZERO references to past seasons over a poor season with MANY references to past seasons. I don’t need a history lesson every season. I don’t need random “Ranger Vaults” or “Ranger History” lessons or cameos. I just want a good show. And I think the smarter, more sophisticated children in today’s target demo deserve that as well, if not more so.

It’s not about pleasing us old fans. It’s about recognizing the potential in Power Rangers as a series that can appeal to a wide audience. No, it does not need to be grim!dark. No, it doesn’t have to be the second coming of RPM or Time Force or especially Mighty Morphin.

I decided to rewatch Go-Busters for that reason - I didn't enjoy Beast Morphers just as much as I ended up not enjoying Kishinryu Sentai Ryusoulger. I feel the need that Go-Busters was truly terrific and I rode on too much fan opinion. I'm glad that I could now have civil disagreements even with people who like Power Rangers - something I realized I just dislike. I still acknowledge that Power Rangers has its licenses from Toei Ltd. so I refuse to call it BOOTLEG. Calling it bootleg sounds dumb. A terrible franchise? Well, I ended up calling it that but that's just my personal choice. I even agree with what Jeff wrote that it's not about pleasing old fans but recognizing the potential of Power Rangers. It doesn't have to be the second coming of ANY SHOW. But that's what it became - I felt Megaforce was trying to be Mighty Morphin' all over again. Emma's corny Kimberly throwback was stupid. Emma was a poor man's Kimberly. I felt Mako was more of Kimberly done right in Shinkenger. The characters of Beast Morphers are fine, I feel Zoey is more likable than Yoko BUT I feel stuff like how Ben and Betty are just treated for laughs or the random stuff Jeff mentioned can be a real problem. On the bright side, Toei Ltd. got some money to run to the bank with, right?

Personally, I feel Cosmic Fury should JUST be a new cast instead

I don't care if Hasbro will be legally using footage from Uchu Sentai Kyuranger or Mashin Sentai Kiramager. What I'm concerned about is why are we stretching the cast of Dino Fury to another show. I feel that totally can destroy replay value. I wonder if Hasbro decided to take the lazy way out with sticking to the old cast. I felt that it would be better if Mighty Morphin' ended AND everyone left on the high note. Instead, the show kept using the same cast of characters for too long that it gave room for bad writing. I felt like the Dear John Letter was just bad writing. I still feel like making Jason and Kimberly couple in the failed Turbo prologue movie was probably also bad writing. Heck, Tommy and Kat get established as a couple even if it's too random IMHO. Maybe, have Toei Ltd. and Saban discuss how to sell a new batch of toys. Maybe, discuss how to localize Dairanger. But we know how Toei decided to ride the greed with 25 sets of footage for Saban to use. I feel Toei Ltd. should also be held liable as to why Mighty Morphin' didn't end with a high note. I guess all Toei Ltd. cared about was that Saban Entertainment did a bank transfer, huh?

I really feel whatever path it takes - I feel that I'm glad I skipped Dino Fury in total. Inserting the SJW issue is just one quirk. Another quirk is the return of Lord Zedd. Personally, I can't imagine if Ryusoulger decided to return the Black Cross Fuehrer in one episode. I can't imagine if Go-Busters decided to have those random Ranger Vaults or Ranger History. Heck, I even feel that Avatar Sentai Donbrothers is doing a better job. Donbrothers!Kaito isn't always bringing up history lessons even if they still use previous ranger powers. There are still references such as how Dragoku uses the Dragon Ranger powers from Zyuranger. Though, I still have the feeling that Donbrothers!Haruka is really becoming the show's bailout mechanism (like Zoey is in Beast Morphers) by making her not just a problem solver but the NARRATOR for almost every cold opening before the opening theme. Still, now I'm finding Donbrothers still more enjoyable than Beast Morphers

This just reminds me of one time I wrote one darkly evil post. It's the post asking, "Will Power Rangerts die any time soon?" I wrote it because of all that NEGATIVE BACKLASH that Power Rangers Ninja Steel had. I even wonder if that terrible, terrible Shuriken Sentai Ninninger got truly vindicated or not. Maybe it did as Takaharu showed better fight scenes during the Super Sentai Strongest Battle four-part miniseries. Though, I still feel Ninninger is truly mind-numbing and it's only "better" because the girls are hotter. It's only slightly better meaning I still hate it. Doubotsu Sentai Zyuoranger vs. Shuriken Senta Ninninger even addressed, "The history of Super Sentai! It's over!" I even felt that the franchise could crash on the 40th entry. Yet, somehow Kyuranger was there and budget for such a HUGELY AMBITIOUS SERIES was even realized. Hmmm... I'm amazed at how Power Rangers still survived even after several bad shows during the Neo-Saban era. Maybe, I could agree that Power Rangers Dino Charge is a fan favorite just like Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger was a commercial success. However, Megaforce was so bad an anniversary and Ninja Steel even worse than Ninninger

I wonder if this is really a good move. I'm writing this because right now - I still feel Power Rangers has its potential. This franchise I so dislike is what allowed Toei Ltd. to enter the American market. I could treat it the same way I treat some stuff I personally dislike. Whether I want to admit it or not - certain food items that I dislike did help many food franchises stand for more than ten years. I dislike tea with sugar but we know how some people love sugar in their tea. I wonder what could happen next. Could Cosmic Fury end up as a big blow against Toei Ltd. if ever it might cause the Power Rangers franchise to get sucked into a black hole? 


Just another crazy rant to get off some thoughts! 
