Janperson 45-46: Neo-Guild's Downfall Seems To Mix Robocop 3 Into The Equation

After the downfall of the Super Science Network - we're taken to another villain organization. This time, Bad Boy Robin Padilla ahem Kazuoki Takahashi goes out with a bang. I feel this finale arc had Robocop 3 into the equation. Robocop 3 did screen in 1993 - sometime after Janperson aired in Japan. I felt the people at Toei Ltd. couldn't resist getting Marie Lazarus into the equation hence Kaoru Saegusa was born. The Neo-Guild robots were practically like Terminator units. At this point, we have George Makabe ending up as the Paul McDaggett of the series midway. I did compare him to Cain but it's too far-fetched. Now, it's time for the final end of Neo-Guild! 

Junichi Miyashita gets a hand from Yasuyuki Suzuki for this ending arc. Interestingly, Suzuki also worked with Miyashita with two Solbrain episodes and an episode in Exceedraft. At times, I just wish that the Rescue Police Trilogy was somehow connected to Janperson instead of bringing the show over to B-Fighter

Unlike Reiko, we get to discover more of Makabe. Ben Fukami didn't last long but he was a legacy villain. Ben is brought back again. We also discover Bravo Town - a town where robots and humans supposedly get along. However, Bravo Town is practically like the Urban Rehabilitators. Makabe is pretty much like McDaggett in some way. A giant tower in town that totally controls robots. Makabe plans to cause a battle between humans and robots (while he's human) seeking to get power. 

This episode does focus more on Gun Gibson. Granted, Gun Gibson is pretty much the Top Gunder of the series. Gun Gibson goes to Bravo Town to discover it's a dystopia. Was this dystopia a throwback to Robocop 3 or not? We also have an extended role for Kaoru like Marie does in Robocop 3. There's also a child of the week named Yuji involved. A robot named Lloyd is involved in this conflict. All Makabe can think of is getting even with the people. 

Makabe's past is further explored. It turns out that their robot butler was accused of a crime. Later, the robot butler went haywire and had to get rid of it. Discovering the tragic past makes me wonder if I should pity Makabe or not. Granted, I did feel Makabe's hate to more than one extent. Makabe though turns out to be a control freak like McDaggett. Just some warning: There's going to be some intense gun fights. Also, Makabe also loses HIS THUMB In a gunfight against Janperson. Somehow, Makabe does get a prosthetic thumb later on before he self-destructs the base. 

I find the whole quest for revenge finally wrapping up. Gun Gibson plans to kill Makabe with his own hands. Ugh, that scene was really questionably brutal. All that's known is that Gun Gibson somehow deludes that Carol told him to abandon revenge. Rather than submit to death, Makabe does a twist from the Robocop 3 movie. McDaggett didn't commit suicide but died in an explosion. The explosion was triggered when the Otomo androids went berserk. Makabe triggers an explosion instead in order to die like McDaggett. 

The final ending had Bravo Town free of Makabe's control. Makabe's version of the Urban Rehabilitators has collapsed. Now, it's time to finally prepare for a four-parter regarding Bill Goldy. Yup, prepare more Robocop puns for the finale! 
