The Almost Unspoken Prime Directives Of Janperson?


It's no secret that Janperson has taken a lot of pop culture references. Robocop was just one of them. Yet, Jiban was practically also a Robocop in his own right. Unlike Robocop, Janperson really had no human past even if he's visually designed after Robocop. I did rewatch both Jiban and Janperson. It would be easy to see how some of the weapons in Janperson were obviously taken from Jiban's arsenal. The Jic Cannon and the Spindle Cannon were taken from two of Jiban's weapons - the Daedelus Cannon and the Auto Derringer. Though, the Spindle Cannon was handled by Janperson's later partner, Gun Gibson. After doing an extensive Janperson review (which I didn't feel for Jiban) - I felt of the nearly unspoken directives similar to Robocop. 

These are the following directives that Jiban has been shown on-screen in the battle against the Biorons:

  1. Mobile Cop Jiban, under any circumstances, can arrest the criminal without a warrant.
  2. Mobile Cop Jiban, in case the enemy is recognized as Biolon, can apply the punishment by his own judgment.
  3. Mobile Cop Jiban's maximum priority is human life, and every given order that disregards this can be rejected. 
  4. In the case of Biolon manipulating humans' hearts, the punishment can be applied by his own judgment. 
  5. The crime of disposing of children's dreams, and hurting their hearts are especially severe. 
  6. Mobile Cop Jiban can erase everyone that destroys all lifeforms' peace by his own judgment. 
In the case of Janperson, he has five cards. Janperson has the Warning Card, Destroy Card, Guilty Card, Contact Card, and Janperson Card. Apparently, these were a subtle nod to the directives that Jiban had. After all, both characters are based on Robocop in one way or another. The whole show practically has Janperson almost executing the same directives while referencing them in a more subtle way. 
  1. Janperson can arrest a criminal without a warrant. In some episodes, Janperson practically helps law enforcement arrest criminals without a warrant. This can also be applied when the Guilty Card is being used.
  2. Janperson has been shown to have his own judgment with the three biological organizations. Many times, the androids of Guild and Neo-Guild weren't so fortunate either. 
  3. Janperson once refused to destroy an experimental human monster by Super Science Network. Many times, Janperson refuses to use lethal force on human criminals. 
  4. Many times, Janperson had to deal with evil organizations manipulating human hearts. Some punishments were given depending on the occasion. Janperson had seen people manipulated by the villain organizations. 
  5. Many times, Janperson has faced the three evil organizations' members hurting the dreams of children and hurting their hearts. This gets to judgment with the criminals getting arrested. 
  6. The final directive was operated at its maximum in the final battles. Janperson eventually had no choice but to hurt Reiko in her Super Beast God for,. Eventually, Janperson knew he had no choice but to destroy Bill Goldy who was already approved for deletion based on Jiban's similar directives. 
What doesn't become surprising is that both Jiban and Janperson are drafted into the non-canon Space Squad what-if series. I want another Space Squad movie and see both Robocop-inspired heroes in action. If Toei decides to pull the plug - I wish they'd contact Banpresto to make a huge video game out of it. However, they should make it more international-friendly. 
