When Ichiro Mizuki's Demise Also Reminds Me Of Beast Morphers' Own Spin Of Tategami Li-Oh As Beast-X King Zord

The recent death of Ichiro Mizuki would remind me of his guest appearance in Tokumei Sentai Go-Busters. Who'd have thought that his role ten years ago would predict HIS OWN DEATH ten years later? Now, it's time to give some praise to Power Rangers Beast Morphers. I could go ahead and keep pointing out how I feel Power Rangers keeps relying on TOO MANY THROWBACKS. What in the world was Hasbro thinking? I even felt that Haim Saban's return was ruined by it since Power Rangers Samurai

Rather than do a word-for-word translation - I enjoy the creative liberty that Beast Morphers placed. For one, Beast Morphers has been, in some way, trying to be different from Go-Busters which is a positive. What I'm not liking is how the series still links to Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers in a very blatant way as well as the other series. It even had to link to Power Rangers RPM when Evox is not surprisingly Venjix. I wonder was it even necessary for Colonel Truman to appear at the end of the series?

We did have two bitchy characters. Mika Hazuki was a guest star in Go-Busters in a two parter. Megan was once trying to get a slot at Grid Battleforce and was disqualified due to her actions. Unlike most guest characters, we had Megan return. The lot of Mika's father having died while working on Tategami Li-Oh was left out. Instead, we had Megan learn an important lesson when she tried to prove herself better. You can never be too careful huh? That's what Nathan tried to talk about having a firewall to prevent the virus.

If there are some things Evox did right - he actually did get more involved than the Messiah Virus. Maybe, it's because both Cyber Blaze and Cyber Roxy are as generic as early Super Sentai villains. It's not like how Enter was truly a show-stealer. Enter would've probably outsmarted the Venjix Virus and even given the RPM Rangers a hard time before he's inevitably destroyed. Evox possessed Mayor Daniels' body in hopes of carrying out his work. The Beast-X King Zord was meant to be a weapon of destruction. 

I just love how Megan managed to redeem herself. I wonder why the actress Madeleine Adams agreed not to become a one-shot character. Instead, we have Megan returning with her selfish ambitions intact then she ends up changing her ways. I'm glad that Megan wasn't copying Mika bit by bit. Instead, Mika had to learn to find out the facts before judging. In Megan's case, she learns that being a hero isn't all about fame or boasting but about doing what's right.

This is pretty much a case where Power Rangers tends to condense some plots. Go-Busters made a two-parter for the Tategami Li-Oh. Mika appeared for two episodes straight. Megan appeared in two separate episodes with a gap in between them. Meanwhile, Power Rangers Time Force did transform the studio dilemma episode from Mirai Sentai Timeranger into a two-parter for some strange reason. Did the production crew of Time Force feel they were getting more episodes only to find out it's been cut short?

I may not like Power Rangers overall but it doesn't mean the franchise is all bad. It could do some good things. I still feel that Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue and Time Force did take a daring direction. It's sad how both shows were cut short to 40 episodes when 10 more episodes could've benefited character development. I think Beast Morphers had potential but was held back by too many throwbacks and carrying over the mistakes of Go-Busters
