Failed Tie-In: Kull The Conqueror Should've Been Tied Into the 1982 Conan Film IMHO

Is it me or is almost every movie meant to tie in with Conan the Barbarian (1982) destined to fail? Conan the Destroyer is viewed with utter contempt. Red Sonja is viewed with utter contempt. It was said that Kevin Sorbo was reluctant to play a character already done (which is weird since he isn't the first Hercules). I think it had to do with filling the shoes of Arnold Schwarzenegger to continue the saga of Conan the Barbarian. The movie presented Akivasha as the main villain. 

A bit of tidbit will reveal one thing with how adaptations CAN change certain things...

The name of Kull's enemy was known as THULSA DOOM. Unlike the movie, most versions of Thulsa Doom whether it'd be the original Robert. E. Howard Universe or the comics, he was practically inspired by the Grim Reaper. That's why it's very easy to create the rumor that He-Man was supposedly a toy line based on the Conan franchise. I don't believe it now but I still believe that Conan was partly an inspiration. Skeletor of He-Man is obviously a lighter and softer (and more comical) version of Thulsa Doom. 

Movie Thulsa Doom essentially was more of how Thoth-Amon is usually portrayed. However, one can't deny that Movie Thulsa's helmet does have a skull-like shape to portray him as the Bringer of Death. I still feel Movie Thulsa was rather awkward after realizing Thulsa was meant to be a skull-faced character. Thulsa Doom and Thoth-Amon were worshipers of the great serpent Set.

If I'm not wrong, Movie Thulsa was meant to be a member of a dying race. It was a big opportunity loss when Akivasha was made the villain. It could've been a great tie-in IF Movie Thulsa returned for the Kull prequel. I would've had it tied to where Thulsa, instead of Akivasha, should've been the main antagonist. Have it as the time back when Movie Thulsa still believed in searching for weapons of steel across the centuries. At this point, Movie Thulsa is still starting to learn the ropes of what it means to conquer lands. All this before Atlantis finally sank.

Maybe, have a confrontation in which Movie Kull defeats Movie Thulsa. However, Movie Thulsa manages to escape setting up for the events of Conan the Barbarian. Kull would be king and he mentions, "Thulsa may have gotten away but I'm confident someone will stop him if I can't. We can have a scene where the fortune teller will then predict that Movie Kull's descendant will stop Movie Thulsa once and for all.
