A Really Fun Review Of "Mortal Kombat Trilogy" That Defends Why I'd Play "Mortal Kombat (2011)" Instead

It's already known that I wrote a scathing review of Mortal Kombat Trilogy some time ago. This game review reinforces why Mortal Kombat (2011) is the beast and maybe the BEST Mortal Kombat game ever made. MK (2011) made me forget the first eight main games ever existed - that's especially since the AI was so broken. This review may confirm what I think about the game - an UNTESTED game where sudden freezing, sudden crash, and a lot of glitches are too apparent in this game.

I'd recommend watching this review. In my case, I ended up hating the game after playing MK (2011). Then again, I'd say that without MK Trilogy - MK (2011) would've probably never existed. It would've probably never fixed several issues like Rain and Noob Saibot being broken, ridiculously overpowered bosses, and making the game a more enjoyable experience. 
