If Nezha Were In Mortal Kombat Battling Onaga

It's really my guilty pleasure to find Asian cultural references in Mortal Kombat. The concept of multiple timelines can actually be found in Buddhist cosmology and Liu Kang was raised by Buddhist monks. Raiden and Fujin may be Shinto names but their appearances look closer to that of Taoist gods. Raiden's Chinese counterpart would be Leigong and Fujin would be Fengbo. The Elder Gods also masquerade as serpentine Chinese dragons and the MK logo is a serpentine Chinese dragon. I can't help but bring up Onaga's possible inspiration after watching The Legend of Nezha. Nezha is a child hero who slays the four dragons. The main villain Ao Guang is a wicked dragon king who has an appetite for human children and conquering worlds. Unlike Onaga, we get to know Ao Guang had sons. Nezha performed a fatality on one of his sons Ao Bing by ripping off the latter's spine. 

The lore of MK may have seemed to base Onaga on Ao Guang. All except that Onaga was one of the previous rulers of Outworld. If MK added Nezha into the cast of characters (even as a background) then it'd be interesting how things would turn out. Let's say that Onaga (as Onaga Kahn) was a menacing figure with Shao as his closest adviser. I could imagine Onaga menacing Earthrealm demanding children's sacrifices. One day, the Elder Gods allow Nezha to be born to destroy Onaga. Nezha would battle Onaga and his forces. This would give Shao the opportunity to rise above him.

I could imagine that Shao would poison Onaga's drink. The poison would weaken Onaga and his co-dragons. Nezha would challenge Onaga to battle. Onaga gets weakened by the poison and that would allow Nezha to impale him with a spear. What neither Shao (now Shao Kahn as I prefer to call him) nor Nezha anticipated is that Onaga had a back-up plan. A dragon egg is created as a backup body for Onaga. Onaga would then proceed to do the events set in Mortal Kombat Deception
