Golion's Backstory And The Goddess


The original Beast King Golion came out in 1981 and got localized for Americans in 1984. Speak about three-year gap between the source material AND the adaptation. It's unlike that Haim Saban and Toei did when Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers came out in 1993 while the source material was in 1992. It's safe to assume that Toei wanted to recover some of their losses and allowed World Events Productions to edit things out. One of the biggest changes was Lion Voltron's story was the background.

Lion Voltron's titular hero was this magnificent defender of the Universe. As Keith's narration went, Voltron was terrific and put those robots out of business. However, King Zarkon had an ace on his sleeve with Hagar. Hagar disguised herself as a beautiful goddess. Lion Voltron went near and Hagar cursed the robot. Lion Voltron was fragmented into five robot lions. 

Then there was the Omega Comet plot. I was wondering why there was a goddess who was empowering Lion Voltron. It sounds confusing. However, looking at Golion - the backstory of the source material differed.

The original story was that Golion was once an arrogant sentient deity thousands of years ago. Golion is also the guardian god of Planet Altea (Arus). The real story is that Golion was a god of destruction. Golion destroyed several evil monsters. Golion challenged the GODDESS OF THE UNIVERSE which was in no way Hagar. The Goddess of the Universe split Golion into five lions. The mighty robot would one day rise up again to defeat the Galra Empire.

Man, I can't forget the screechy voice of the Goddess in Lion Voltron. However, the Goddess in Golion sounded a lot more dignified. These are episodes 39-40. Golion had 10 more episodes over the cult hit Voltes V which lasted only up to 40 episodes. There were slight variations of the dialogue in both shows. The Goddess offered the Lion Voltron team a chance to enter the land of eternal happiness. Yes, there was soon a lot of NON-EXISTENT dialogue inserted. Golion had the SAME GODDESS that caused Golion to volt out years ago to get a strong recharge. Later, the same Goddess intervened to save Princess Amue (Romelle) after Sincline (Lotor) finally got fed up with her defiance. 

The real problem was that WEP had no access to script translation. That's why they made the goddess as a disguise for Hagar. What happened next was that they probably got shocked when they saw the same goddess in episode 40. 
