Apocalypse In The "Marvel VS. Capcom" Series


Before all the games from X-Men: Children of the Atom up to Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite were coined under the Marvel vs. Capcom series -- we had X-Men vs. Street Fighter as the first official crossover. Apocalypse was also the sub-boss of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (criticized for being a cash cow rather than a well-thought game) since Cyber Akuma was the final boss. In X-Men vs. Street Fighter -- he was the second to the last opponent. The final opponent was one's tag team partner. So yeah, a Cyclops vs. Ryu match was always a friendly battle!

I could remember the intimidation factor Apocalypse had. Most fighting game bosses were human-sized and difficult to defeat. Apocalypse would grow giant and his life bar was found at the bottom. I remember seeing people trying to beat Apocalypse in the arcade during the late 1990s. I was always intimidated by how huge Apocalypse was. One of Apocalypse's most devastating moves is his drill attack (where one should do a super jump to avoid it). Apocalypse's weak spots were his hand and his head -- something that was easy to forget the first time around. 

However, the more one figures things out, the more Apocalypse might be called "disappointingly easy". Not really for me since Apocalypse is still a difficult boss. I remember my little sister would often joke about giving him "make-up" with a beam super. I remember enjoying using the Ryu/Cyclops tandem. Ryu's beamed-up Shinkuu Hadouken and Cyclops' Optic Blast tend to help cheese things up. However, anyone can beat him with a proper strategy and not rely too much on big blast characters.

Apocalypse's crossover storyline can also be amusing. Apocalypse would later turn Akuma into one of his Horsemen known as Cyber Akuma. Yes, Cyber Akuma is one incredibly hard MOFO -- even harder than Apocalypse himself. Cyber Akuma may be human-sized but he's a lot harder than Apocalypse. I even remember owning the EX Edition. I remember even going as far as to use the secret cheat menu to save the day. Trying to defeat the game without losing was the way to play both characters.

What I find funny was using Apocalypse in Easy Mode -- in the EX Edition. I just tapped HP twice to get the drill attack. However, Apocalypse had no real ending except congratulating the player for beating the game with a secret character. Like WUT? I guess Capcom did that on purpose to discourage cheesiness. In some cases, I remember using Apocalypse against human players FOR FUN. I'd always enjoy trying to hit them with the drill, they do a jump, and then they beat Apocalypse. I've had a lot of fun getting defeated using Apocalypse in a friendly match. I even pretended to be Apocalypse and said rather zany things after each and every defeat. My favorite line after every defeat was, "You haven't seen the last of Apocalypse." 
