Golion 26-30

Here's another set of episodes for Golion. The Lion Voltron episodes obviously cut off anything that's too brutal. Now, it's time for the next set of episodes. 

Episode 26

As the defeats at the hands of Golion -- they decide to start using some subtler tactics again. Honerva creates an invisibility cloak. Sincline chooses a four-armed Beast Fighter called Bullbar to do the job. An invisible Beast Fighter would definitely do the job. Sincline still daydreams of capturing Fala for his sick pleasure. Once again, one must wonder where Amue is in Castle Galra? Is Amue simply getting too boring? Or is Sincline wearing condoms if ever he's actually raping her? Such details are best left out! 

Fala, Hiroshi, and Hysteria are out getting fruits. However, the invisible four-armed Beast Fighter starts causing trouble. There's some scenes of people getting crushed by rocks -- something not shown in Lion Voltron for obvious reasons. Having an enemy one can't see can be a difficult thing. However, the heroes get resourceful -- that's something that the villains TEND TO FORGET. 

It was good for Akira to find to figure out how to track the enemy. Even more there's also the use of the Fire Tornado before defeating the four-armed Beast Fighter. A Daimos reference? Maybe, maybe not. But Daimos was in 1978 and Golion was in 1981. Still, both Daimos and Golion kinda have the same face.

Episode 27

This is an episode that was slightly modified for Lion Voltron. This episode has Sincline go to the Planet Medusae. How did this planet get destroyed or its denizens murdered? Sincline plans to use a survivor to get rid of Golion. The Gorgon would've been a great foe for Golion. However, this Gorgon was looking for its deceased child. Heck, it even felt attached to Hiroshi like its child!

There's not much difference in every area. We still have Sincline wanting to eliminate the Gorgon like Lotor did. We still have Honerva facing off against Hiroshi. The big difference? The Gorgon dies at the end of her injuries. The Gorgon was given an honorable burial -- something that was cut for Lion Voltron

Fala says that even Beast Fighters have feelings. Sincline unleashes another Beast Fighter in place of Gorgon. Sincline probably wanted to execute the Gorgon at the arena! Anyway, not too much of a difference with the adaptation.

Episode 28

It's Sincline's birthday and he's at Planet Walbrane (Tyrus in Lion Voltron). We've had Daibazaal's birthday ruined. Now, it's Sincline's turn to get his birthday ruined. Sincline is 106? Well, maybe in Earth years but he's a lot younger in Galran years. Time moves differently between Earth and the Universe -- perhaps that's what the writers overlooked later on. 

There's some dialogue change. Walbrane is a planet that's also For the Evulz -- hence why it cooperates with Galra! Sincline has a bath made from HUMAN BLOOD. How in the world is this even shown for children? Not every planet under Galra's empire is a captured empire. Unlike Planet Jarre -- this planet is totally subservient to Galra. Sincline even erects a giant statue. The Golion team get captured in their attempt to stop another plot. Meanwhile, the Red Lion merges with Sincline's gold statue.

Sincline shows his usual sadism and Saturday Morning Cartoon villain stupidity. Shouldn't Sincline check out where the Red Lion was? Sincline was planning to launch Akira, Tsuyoshi, and Hiroshi into the sky on giant fireworks. After all, the Galra Empire operates on For the Evulz as its modus operandi. It's also something Sincline tries to woo Fala for the nth time. After a rewatch -- I wonder why Amue wasn't mentioned at all? Wouldn't Sincline want to have both women considering his lechery?

A deleted scene is where the king of Walbrane is crushed. Yes, that scene was deleted. Lion Voltron was infamous for reused footage. The Lion Voltron episode recycled the kiss from Fala. However, this scene doesn't and we see the carnage at Walbrane. True, the king deserved it but it's still considerably brutal. Still, Golion's violence wasn't really much higher than Nadao Tagahama's Romance Robot Trilogy.

Episode 29

This is another episode where Galra gets really For the Evulz. Honerva's latest plan is to use a Beast Fighter (which looked more metallic than organic) called Devil Burn to spread hot gasses. The plan is to dry up Altea. This episode also shows how Sincline is perfectly willing to MURDER Fala if he can't have her. The hot gasses cause many problems. 

The deleted scenes involve DEAD PEOPLE again. It's not really any different from the entries of Nadao Tagamana's Romance Robot Trilogy. However, Sincline is a Corrupted Character Copy of the prince archetypes. In fact, Sincline is proud to be evil -- just like his father Daibazaal! 

The lack of water causes Blue Lion to be incapacitated. A lesson on Golion's five elements is given. Without water -- Blue Lion can't operate! Black Lion is powered by lightning -- hence explaining the electromagnetic combination. Yellow Lion is powered by Earth. Red Lion is powered by fire but it still couldn't get through. Green Lion is powered by wind. Sincline tries to get Fala to surrender. I feel Sincline's just way too fond of blackmail. 

Golion reveals the power to remove the heat clouds. The natural cycle is restored within a timeframe. This episode continues to reveal Galra's weakness. There's always a lack of contingency planning one way or another. Sincline could've won if he wasn't too fixated on Fala. Another is that Sincline should've double-checked. Yes, that's typical super villain stupidity!

Episode 30

This is somewhat of a filler. No Golion combination whatsoever. This episode starts to focus on Sincline's past. If people are familiar with the Voltron/Robotech crossover -- Zarkon had a wife named Lora. However, Lotor's mother was never mentioned in Lion Voltron. There's a lot of editing here and there -- some even derail the plot. In fact, the mysterious woman in Sincline's dreams isn't ALLURA but his DEAD MOTHER. For some reason, Sincline has memories of his mother. The Voltron/Robotech crossover used Sincline's mother's image for Lora -- the wife of Zarkon!

The Lion Voltron episode did some strange dubs. Coralle never spoke any word outside murmurs. However, Sahlia spoke audibly to the royal court. Daibazaal plans to have Sincline marry Sahlia of Planet Galleria (Deimos in Lion Voltron). Was there some evil agreement or what? I find Sahlia even hotter than Fala. However, we realize that Sincline's obsession with Fala is rooted in an Oedipus Complex or familiar connection. That means even a woman more beautiful than Fala won't alter his mind. Was Daibazaal aware of Sincline's lustful tendencies? 

More importantly, we have a scene of Daibazaal's past. The woman in the flashbacks is SINCLINE'S MOTHER. Yes, it's revealed to the audience but NOT to Sincline that he's half-Altean. No such plot of Lotor being half-Arusian was established in Lion Voltron. That plot was only carried over in Voltron/Robotech crossover. Lora was given to Zarkon as a wife in hopes of cementing peace. However, in Golion -- it's not explained how Daibazaal had an Altean woman. I assume Daibazaal probably married her against her will. Daibazaal probably married her in an alliance -- hoping to weaken Altea. Maybe, Daibazaal murdered Sincline's mother sometime before or after murdering the Altean royal family. Either way, it's left to the viewers' imagination.

Sincline's plan was to kidnap Princess Fala. Sincline mentions he wasn't going to have only one wife. Older viewers may wonder why Sincline never made plans to wed Amue too. Sincline probably wants to have multiple women in the bed. What I find strange is that Sincline's lustful desires are not fed by Sahlia's hotness. Honerva creates a dagger that will make Fala feel dead. The attack was done by Jaga the cat. This was a perfect scheme. However, as always, the lack of contingency planning is always their downfall. Fala looked like she was dead and Sincline planned to take her away. However, the heroism of the team beat him. After that failed attempt -- Sincline interestingly dismisses the much more attractive Sahlia. I mean Sincline could still marry Sahlia AND obsess with taking more brides. However, Sahlia is written off as a one-time character. Like WUT?
