Golion Episodes 21-25

Golion goes in a more bizarre direction. This time, we get a couple of episodes. Some of them connect to a previous plot. Others just didn't. That's a common problem with writing superhero show episodes. Golion would be no different. There are bound to be errors with different writers involved. 

Episode 21

The Lion Voltron episode was tamed in the dialogue. However, this is where Golion adds some sexually suggestive dialogue. Sincline has his collection of women. Now, Amue is used as a substitute until he gets Fala.  Amue is called Sincline's plaything -- hinting that he molested her. However, there's still some censorship that prohibits rape. Amue was still fully dressed when she was returned. It might be that Sincline touched her privates but never bothered to do it with her. 

Amue escapes with some women that Sincline kept for his pleasure. Alor wants to rescue Amue. This is where Amue's capture becomes a running gag. Amue's simply kept alive by Plot Armor. Yes, the Plot Armor that would prevent Sincline and Amue from ever conceiving a child. The women try to escape but they're ambushed by Galran Forces. Sincline demands Fala to surrender to him. What made me laugh was how Akira managed to fool Sincline. So yeah, the Akira vs. Sincline rivalry goes there. Sincline uses underhanded tactics but tends to prefer fighting Akira one-on-one. I guess Sincline's an honorable evil -- even if he's practically raised For the Evulz! The Beast Fighter Killwrester is also used as its immune to cold.

Amue's captured again can be that running gag. Some people may recall that Dr. Kentaro Gou (Baron Lagour) in Voltes V also kept getting captured again. Poor Amue suffers that fate. I even wonder what Sincline did to her BTS. It must not be pleasant. However, Sincline has so many women that maybe that's why Amue's not even pregnant. 

Episode 22

The Voltron episode was toned down. It's because of the rules on American television. However, this episode would be downright brutal in some areas. The original plot is similar to the remade plot. Honerva sends seemingly harmless flowers to Altea. These flowers are dangerous. What never surprised me was the amount of dead people. There's even a scene of a woman falling from her balcony! Fala still falls ill. 

This episode establishes a possible shiptease between Isamu and Fala. Voltes V had a possible shipping between Ippei and Megumi. However, some people shipped Kenichi and Megumi. In this case, some people ship Akira and Fala -- even if the relationship is purely professional. Isamu being the reckless rebel -- decides to go to Amazonia and get the flowers. It's the only thing that can cure from Galra's latest wicked scheme. So far, this is one of the good plots Galra has. Some spoilers: Several Amazonians die -- including that woman who was said to have just gone unconscious. Yeah, Golion is awfully brutal! Speaking of which -- some people may also think of Kamen Rider Amazon. Amazons was way too violent that it was rushed to a mere 24 episodes! The Beast Fighter is also called Deathbeetle. 

Sincline is also shown to be downright brutal. Daibazaal was ordering some Amazonian flowers. The king's one dirty old man. Sincline orders a MASSACRE because the king haggled with him. This reminds me of a few times when Heinel from Voltes V gets too brutal. Sincline's still a Corrupted Character Copy of Sincline. Sincline gets some compliments after Daibazaal's criticism. Sincline shows similar abusive behavior Daibazaal did during the younger days. Sadly, Daibazaal isn't exactly as well-developed as Zambojil in Voltes V.

Episode 23

The episode has Friday the 13th as the title. Sincline gets chastised because of his inability to defeat Golion. What makes me think of Zambojil and Daibaazal is that they barely do anything themselves. It's unknown how Galra was established. All that's known is that Galra aims for universal domination. In this case, Galra's blatant ambition is to let eeeevvvvviiiil prevail. Sincline prepares another Beast Fighter called Kauman to tame the lions.

This episode gets rather strange. Sure, I normally side with Raible. However, there are times when Hysteria gets too much. Hysteria tends to treat Fala like a child at times. If only the writers took notes from Daimos on how Okane was written! It's also that episode when Fala gets caught in a bikini. They were fortunate Sincline didn't plan an attack. Sincline would probably get more aggressive if he saw Fala in a bikini! 

The plan was based on Honerva's fortune-telling. Oh yes, Honerva the failed fortune teller at times! This episode has Fala's future at hand. Fala chose to become the Blue Lion's pilot so Golion can be formed. It gets creepy when Sincline invade Fala's BEDROOM! Yes, that one! Fortunately, there's still some degree of censorship that saved Fala from possibly being raped in her own bedroom. Meanwhile, one can only ask how Amue is doing in the castle. Sincline may be more evil than his Lion Voltron counterpart Lotor. However, Sincline's still got the brain of a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain in some way. 

It becomes noticeable that elements can go out of the WRONG LION when Golion is formed. How in the world did the other elemental lions deal with another element? It's not really explained and there's some crazy logic going on. 

Episode 24

This is another nightmare fuel episode. Meteor falls down and Fala makes a wish. Platt and his mouse family wish for cheese. People suspect Platt is pulling pranks. However, it turns out to be Galran mice. The plan was to sabotage Altea. This episode shows that there are times Galra can think of directly attacking the team first -- before hatching any typical crazy evil scheme. 

The suspense here is high for this reason. The Space Mice aren't like regular mice. The Galran mice are dangerous rats with superpowers. It doesn't help that these Galran rats are carriers of disease. It's somewhat questionable how the Space Mice aren't disease carriers while the Galran rats are. Just looking at Castle Gradam nearly crumble is a nightmare. Akira, Ippei, and Tsuyoshi have to take a detour. It's because the elevators are out of order.

What I find funny is the Beastman has the shape of a cat -- called Catgun. Was this to make sure that the Galran mice did their job? The Galran Mice were eventually taken care off thanks to Platt's resourcefulness. The Galrans typically get overconfident when a plan works too well. On the other hand, Sincline's lust for Fala is also an Achilles' heel. They could've won IF they decided to use full firepower. Again, the Galra Empire are simply bloodier versions of Saturday Morning Cartoon villains.

Also, this episode has Fala and Isamu switch lions. It was because Isamu used the Blue Lion to go to Planet Amazonia. I was wondering how much skill level is required to pilot the Black Lion compared to the rest? Fala being able to pilot the Red Lion with more ease can be character development. However, the Black Lion seems to be only meant for Akira huh? 

Episode 25

Galra plans to create a giant cannon at Planet Miura. Sincline has some overconfidence issues like many villains in superhero fiction. Daibazaal tends to point out these overconfidence issues but barely does anything but bark commands. Sincline's plan was to use the Interstellar Cannon to defeat Golion once and for all. 

Sincline goes downright brutal at the slaves -- even threatening to feed them to a reptilian type Beast Fighter. A slave named Halley is also used in this episode. Sincline threatens to murder them if they refuse to do their jobs. Sure, Sincline's more dangerous and cunning but he does have his moments of idiocy -- like his fellow imperials. 

Is it me or does Galra just do evil for the sake of it? Halley is forced to drink the blood of his own people. I can't imagine the pain the slave is put through. Sincline also gets overly confident in this episode. Halley has a hatred for Golion -- something that's quickly resolved. Halley mentions that Golion never awoke when Galra attacked Miura. The Golion team never expected help from Halley. Halley uses the gun against the Centipede Express (which is also a Beast Fighter) and destroys Sincline's hideout. Sincline could've won IF he chose to fire the cannon himself. But yeah, typical Bond Villain Stupidity over here!

The Interstellar Cannon wasn't destroyed despite the title. The Interstellar Cannon will play a huge part in later episodes. However, it gets shelved and only appears again when convenient. 
