Golion Episodes 33-38

Episode 33

Daibazaal is mad at the new upgrade that Golion has discovered. Okay, one must think Daibazaal can fight but why doesn't he even help? I guess Daibazaal wants to leave the fighting to the others. Honerva also features a new plan -- release the deady Galra frogs. This episode has a seaman's family and the dangerous frogs. Also, a family pet dies which hurts my heart as well!

Honerva creates the new Mecha Beast Fighter called Omega Subgar. The plan is to get Golion to submerge underwater. There's a certain limit that Golion could go underwater. Underwater pressure is dangerous. The underwater battle is somewhat intense. Golion could've been destroyed. An important note is that the Lion Head attack wasn't used either.

The nightmare fuel in this episode is up. Sure, Hiroshi was able to help get rid of the frogs. However, we can't deny that nigntmarish evil frogs can cause a nightmare. I'd be too scared if I had to face them. Fortunately, the seaman survives the encounter compared to other guest characters.

Episode 34 

Sincline plans to destroy Castle Gradam. One must say Sincline is raised to be VERY EVIL. Sincline lies that Fala is just a distraction. In reality, Sincline plans to kidnap Fala but would've probably murdered her later. Sincline plans to blow up the four, overthrow his father Daibazaal, and force Fala to be his. If anything, I tend to blame Sincline's desire to add Fala to his harem -- as his weak spot. 

A boy named Mario is selling rabbits for his sick mother. The earthquakes aren't natural. It's expected that Galra forces are behind it. Sincline shows his two-faced sense of honor. Sincline plays an underhanded tactic on Hiroshi and Mario. Both of them had fallen into the crevice that Sincline was making. Fortunately, Mario is reunited with his mother. 

The episode also features the drilltank which is also a Mecha Beast Fighter. So far, no need to use the Four Lion attack in this episode. 

Episode 35

Sincline plans to get a Beast Fighter into Golion. However, Honerva explains that such a plan may not be feasible. Altea is planning to open an Olympics event. The next plan is to use a Beast Fighter's essence into a brand new construction equipment. This was the plan to take over Altea's defense systems. Before that, Tsuyoshi is using a tank-like equipment. Sidenote: Tesso Genda also voiced Daijirou in Voltes V. Was that a shout out?

The episode wasn't much different from the Lion Voltron episode. Some provocative scenes couldn't make it past the censors. Isamu's and Hiroshi's private parts could've been shown. There's also a boy urinating on the outside. Most of the deleted scenes didn't make the episode any much different than the Lion Voltron episode. 

Episode 36

Sincline isn't too happy with his son Sincline's failures. However, one must ask has Daibazaal contributed to ANYTHING at all than just bark orders? What happened to the Daibazaal who fought at the arena with Sincline? It could've been better if Daibazaal created a plan of his own. Instead, Sincline is left to have another plan in store.

The plan was to create a Sincline clone. Yes, a clone that could easily defeat Akira. The clone would be stronger than its genetic donor. Sincline's clone kills two of the ORGANIC soldiers! Unfortunately, the clone also inherited Sincline's stubborn personality. Sincline's known to have some sense of honor albeit in a twisted way. After all, Sincline tends to be the one to want to destroy Akira himself. 

The Mecha Beast Fighter Deathwave is used to disrupt electronic communications. Akira later discovers that he's fighting a clone of Sincline. Sincline realizes his clone can't be relied and orders the Deathwave to destroy the latter. The Four Lion Attack is used followed by the Jyuohken. The mecha battle was probably cut short due to time constraints. 

Episode 37

This episode seems to highlight Galra's For the Evulz. Daibazaal is amazed by Reggar's audacity to challenge Gibra's place as airforce military commander. Reggar has some best skills. Ordinarily, Reggar would've been turned into a giant Beast Fighter. However, an eagle-like Mecha Beast Fighter dubbed Mu Reggar was used. Rather than use any of the savage Beast Fighters to be the brain -- Reggar is used. Reggar rampages Altea without mercy. Not even Golion's Four Lion attack could counter Reggar!

I must wonder does Daibazaal have any short-term memory? There are times Daibazaal berates Sincline. However, the two are working together again here. Reggar gets overconfident -- believing that he will become the new air commander. Daibazaal sees that an Eviler Than Thou in Reggar would do better. Notice that Daibazaal doesn't look at Gibra's sense of honor. Maybe, that's why Daibazaal ain't too happy at Sincline either. Sincline may play dirty but has some sense of honor -- if ever!

Sincline's new strategy involves exploding bombs. It's to make Golion go at Mach speed. However, Golion manages to figure out a way to counter the explosions. Reggar tries to defeat Golion's Four Lion Head attack. However, perfect timing hits Mu Reggar. Reggar gets blown off as a result of his hubris. At the same time, this episode also reveals Daibazaal is no less guilty of Saturday Morning Cartoon villain overconfidence. Sidenote: If Golion ripped off Voltes V's Chodenji Ball -- I think it would created an interesting episode. Maybe, Golion would've needed to learn to fire it perfectly. 

Episode 38

This has to be the bloodiest Golion episode ever. Daibazaal's birthday already had some cannibalism. WEP managed to edit out the carnage better here. Sincline chooses a more indirect approach to strike fear into the Alteans. This reminds me of a few times Heinel from Voltes V would use underhanded or intimidation tactics. The Red Berets are introduced as a bloody force. The Red Berets even destroy a couple of Beast Fighters just to make a point!

The murders in this episode are comparable to Go Nagai's violence. I wouldn't be surprised if Nagai was ever involved in a few Golion episodes that are bloodier than the rest. Most episodes in Golion aren't much higher in gore than Voltes V or Combattler V. The Red Berets cause much panic as Sincline hoped. Left without a choice -- Akira has to strike them down using the Black Lion.

The Mecha Beast Fighter Kappa shows up. It's got some strong shell. The Four Lion Head attack is launched to crush its defenses. Still, I wish Golion ripped off Voltes V's Chodenji Ball to weaken the armor.
