Golion Episodes 41-47


Episode 41

The mysterious figure is Ryo Shirogane -- Takashi's brother. Takashi is shocked to learn that his brother has died. They were probably separated at some point when Takashi escaped with the others. Takashi's died at the hands of Honerva. Ryo recalls the vision he had from Takashi -- which helped confirm Shirogane's death to him. A deleted scene is the Golion team visiting Takashi's grave. That scene was deleted for obvious reasons. Ryo's footage was used for Sven. However, Takashi and Ryo are two different persons from the source material. Interestingly, Power Rangers Zeo turned one person into two separate persons -- that was Kaiser Buldont into Gasket and Sprocket. A strange way to deal with source material adaptations huh? 

Amue's escape gets Sincline ticked off. It's amazing to know how the firing squad failed to kill Amue. Amue has a pretty strong PLOT ARMOR on her. Amue helps some slaves escape but it FAILS. Sincline uses the new Mecha Beast Fighter called the Iron Maiden. Sincline uses more underhanded tactics by sacrificing Heraclean slave to the Iron Maiden. The Iron Maiden could've defeated Golion IF it wasn't for the help of Ryo and Amue. 

Amue goes back to her home planet of Heracles. Amue and Alor are briefly reunited. It's because Amue would soon join the rebels in crushing the Galra Empire. 

Episode 42

This episode isn't much different than that of the Lion Voltron episodes. However, one of the Sand Creatures DIE at the end of it. Sincline's and Honerva's plan was to turn the Sandmen into Beast Fighters to get rid of Golion. Honerva also plans to use some spell to make them evil. Raible's old friend Dr. HARVARD is also doing something for the Sand Creatures.

The depresssing part is where one of the Sand Creatures that Fala befriends -- dies. Sure, the Lion Voltron episode trimmed that out for obvious reasons. However, the same can't be said for the Golion episode. Sincline uses the S sign which presumably stands for his name. The S logo didn't mean a thing for Lotor in Lion Voltron

Episode 43

This episode revisits the Planet Amazonia. Rebellion won't be tolerated as Daibazaal makes it clear. Sincline shows no mercy in this episode using Mecha Beast Fighter Ypsilon. Ypsilon uses a brutish force to keep Amazonia in check. You can know how Sincline's brutality rivals that of his father. Sincline uses some underhanded tactics -- still perfectly willing to hurt a child. Sincline's descent into madness can't be underestimated!

This episode has the whole Golion team at Amazonia. I bet Isamu kept his promise episodes ago. The Golion team is also forced to battle Ypsilon. The place's magnetic properties make the whole duel hard. Fortunately, Golion does some ingenuity. I bet the Four Lion Attack may not work in this place -- given the magnetic properties. 

The episode's deleted scnees are downright brutal. Seeing someone reduced to ashes by a Galran guard was something. The updated graphics made the scene more disturbing than what Voltes V offered back then. However, Golion's violence isn't exactly at a much higher margin than Voltes V either.

Episode 44

Daibazaal isn't going to let any planet revolt against him. After all, Daibazaal has to be EEEVVVVIL right? Planet Jarre was liberated but Daibazaal doesn't want it to be. Daibazaal's a bully who chooses to oppress all he could and gain dominance where he can. The plan was to create the False Golion -- a Mecha Beast Fighter with Golion's weapons. It was designed to analyze Golion's attacks.

The liberation celebration was ruined by Galra. Talk about Galra raining missiles on people's parades. The rebuilding of the bridge or just any occasion. Galra hates anything that's a threat to evil. Sincline and Honerva create a trap to get rid of Golion. Golion arrives and realizes they're facing an evil twin. Fortunately, the Golion team discovered that it's been reading energies. Detaching both its arms and using the Jyuoken was an unusual move. Without the lions -- False Golion is what is -- a False Golion.

The ending scene has some Jarreans buried. Daibazaal's legacy of evil is hard to combat. Many lives have been lost. However, the sacrifice of the martyrs will not be in vain.

Episode 45

Daibazaal reveals his new plan -- create a Mecha Beast Fighter factory. It's now explained that it takes a lot of energy to release even one Beast Fighter. That's why the enemy doesn't think of attacking with multiple Beast Fighters at once. Sincline reveals that issue. However, Daibazaal still intends to go with that plan. 

Ryou and Amue discover the plan. The new flying fortress Midway is where Galra intends to create its Beast Fighter army -- 500 of them! The plan is to send them to the rebel territories. Ryou successfully infiltrates the transport -- disguised as a Beast Fighter. Ryou's plan has the ship blown up. I think Daibazaal was being careless by not sending Honerva and Sincline to directly supervise it. It's also here we see Daibazaal barely taking responsibility for HIS FAILURES. Yes, it's his plan but he failed to account for the expense of such a project!

Daibazaal reveals some Saturday Morning Cartoon villainy yet again. Sending the giant Mecha Beast Fighter Alpha -- a giant spider -- to do the job. Daibazaal says he's sure to win. Golion crushes Alpha and the whole Midway enterprise. TBH I wish Golion spun here like Combattler V did. Come on, it's already taken a lot of inspiration from the Nadao Tagahama Romance Robot Trilogy.  After Alpha gets defeated -- he blames Sincline! 

Episode 46

The Space Mice are given a new mecha of sorts. Hiroshi develops a mecha to help Platt and his family fight Jaga. I remember calling it Mousetron back when I saw Lion Voltron. This episode has Honerva tasked to get rid of Golion with her ingenious trap. Sincline has gotten too conceited lately. The Golion team is about to walk into Honerva's trap.

Honerva creates a crevice and traps Golion. The Space Mice use their mouse mecha to counter Honerva's evil scheme. Golion also reveals some energy that breaks Honerva's trap. Golion defeats the Beast Fighter all too easily. Later on, Daibazaal chastises Honerva for her failed scheme.

This episode is one of the weaker episodes. Overall, this episode is so-so. I can't say it's terrible. It was nice seeing Daibazaal berate Honerva though. Honerva's not-so-immune from Saturday Morning Cartoon villain stupidity either. So yeah, Lion Voltron showed the Doomites with that one. Golion shows them to be bloodier versions of American Saturday Morning Cartoon villains. 

Episode 47

This episode shows the problem of pride. People argue that Fala being the right leg of Golion doesn't make sense. Fala has to be the center pilot because she's the leader of the Leo Alliance? It does feel awkward. However, the Black Lion is anything but easy to control. Fala attempted it earlier but failed. Fala barely succeeds in this episode. Spoilers: Fala figures out it's too much and controls the Blue Lion again.

Sincline has been assassinating peope while everyone was drunk with blood wine. Daibazaal gets mad and demands for more wine. I feel Daibazaal's plan to unleash 500 Mecha Beast Fighters would be a waste of resources. Sincline crushes rebellion one after the other. There are times when Sincline is more dangerous than his father. In fact, Sincline's practically Evil is Cool. Sincline's only weakness is that he's got fickle feelings for Fala. This episode has Sincline attempting to grab Fala for the nth time. However, Sincline probably took this as his "last rejection" -- as evidenced by the finale arc. 

Everything is prepared for the finale. That means five more episodes and I'm DONE. 
