Echidna In "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" VS. The Myth

For better or for worse, Hercules: The Legendary Journeys deviates from the mythological sources. For instance, the screwed-up lineage of Hercules is never mentioned. Hercules' heavily-inbred bloodline with Zeus mating with Io and had a son named Epaphus. Epaphus had a daughter named Libya who got romanced by Poseidon (her granduncle) to produce twins Belus and Agenor. Belus' lineage would lead up to Acrisius, the maternal grandfather of PERSEUS. So yes, Danae was a descendant of ZEUS via Belus down to Acrisius. It doesn't help that Zeus later impregnated his descendant Alcmene (who was also Perseus' granddaughter, HOW SCREWED UP IS THAT). 

Another deviation worth noting is Echidna. Echidna is described in the myth as:

Echidna, often described as a half-woman, half-snake creature, holds a significant place in Greek mythology as the "mother of all monsters." Her legacy is marked by the terrifying and mythical creatures she brought into the world.


Echidna's appearance in Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is a deviation from the myth. It was Zeus and NOT Hera who separated Echidna from her husband Typhon. Typhon wasn't some dimwitted monster who could calm down Echidna. Also, the children of Echidna are already a threat to the Olympians. Hera merely takes advantage of the situation later on -- such as when Hera wanted Hercules destroyed for good. Echidna gave birth to several monstrous children such as her daughter the Hydra, Cerberus, and the Chimera, some sources say Medusa and her sisters are also her daughters. Typhon was a violent monster in the myths. 

The She-Demon (played by Nicky Mealings, who's probably retired from acting not long after) had an appearance closer to Echidna in some myths. Hesiod describes Echidna to be a beautiful woman with the lower body of the snake. Doesn't that resemble the She-Demon? The She-Demon was an OG character for the show -- portrayed as a daughter of Echidna and Typhon. However, the She-Demon was far closer to Echidna's appearance than the show. 
