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Conan the Cimmerian |
I still have mixed feelings over Conan the Adventurer. It might be because Conan the Barbarian (1982) wa practically what Conan should be -- despite the alterations. It's unknown why the late James Earl Jones' character was named Thulsa Doom -- but was ESSENTIALLY THOTH-AMON. Conan the Adventurer came out 10 years after Conan the Barbarian (1982). A more fearsome version of Skeletor was introduced in Masters of the Universe -- acted by Frank Langella.
Conan the Adventurer's toning down was understandable. It's supposed to be TV-Y7-FV. That's why the Serpent Men simply get sent back to the Abyss instead of being slaughtered. That's why Cartoon Conan is different from any other version of Conan the Barbarian. Cartoon Conan would've had much in common with He-Man (who also has Conan inspiration). Given that the literary Thulsa Doom had a skull for a head (and was enemies with Kull, not Conan) -- could Thulsa Doom have worked as the recurring antagonist in Conan the Adventurer instead of Wrath-Amon?
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (1983) was probably still fresh in some people's minds. It's easy to see the inspiration between Conan and He-Man. Thulsa Doom is one obvious reference. What if Hasbro took Thulsa Doom instead of creating Wrath-Amon (and in extension, Ram-Amon) as part of their own continuity?
An early episode of Conan the Adventurer had Cartoon Conan mimic He-Man (full circle). Was this an intentional tribute to He-Man? Maybe yes, maybe no. I even thought Conan was fighting Skeletor because of some old Marvel Comics issues. Cartoon Conan could break metal chains compared to Arnold Conan or any version of Conan. Obviously, Conan the Adventurer was sanitized to He-Man levels. That's why I wonder if Thulsa Doom could've worked as Conan's personal enemy?
Before Thoth-Amon, Thulsa Doom was the Chief Servant of Set the Serpent God. Thulsa Doom also commanded the Serpent Men back then. Thoth-Amon was given two expies namely Wrath-Amon and Rma-Amon. Ram-Amon was an obvious reference ot Thoth-Amon. However, one can say Ram-Amon was also a throwback to Movie Thulsa in some ways.
Conan is part of the continuity of Kull the Conqueror. Kull is a direct ancestor of Conan. One may no longer be abe to count the number of greats. There's a great gap between the Hyborian Age and the Pre-Cataclysmic Age -- that was before the sinking of Atlantis. Thulsa Doom could be featured as an ancient menace returning. Make Skeletor's intended origins (which he was later written as He-Man's Evil Uncle instead) for Thulsa Doom. Make Thulsa Doom the hateful antagonist and demon from another dimension -- with ZERO relation to Conan!
Conan the Adventurer takes notes from He-Man. It's too obvious that Falkenar is an Expy for Stratos. Greywolf might be an Expy for Akiro the Wizard. Zula had his counterpart from the Conan comics by Marvel. If Cartoon Conan had a merry band then why not have a villain with an evil band? Having Thulsa Doom act as the show's version of Skeletor could work. This Thulsa Doom can be written as Kull's ancient enemy returning. The antagonism would be because Thulsa Doom knows Conan is Kull's descendant. Thulsa Doom would be on his quest to bring back the Serpent God Set. Thulsa Doom would try to bring back his god Set into the world.
It's possible Hasbro planned to use Thulsa Doom.However, it would be in too much direct competition against He-Man. Still, it could be fun if Thulsa Doom were used in Conan the Adventurer as the skull-faced villain that he was.
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