Suspension Of Disbelief: Baron Zemo May Have Overlooked One Simple Solution Despite His Massive Intellect
Superhero logic requires a certain degree of suspension of disbelief, right? Baron Zemo's probably still one of the most respected supervillains. However, I'd like to bring up the issue with his hood. There's really some unexplained logic with Adhesive X. How can the hook get stuck on Baron Zemo's HEAD but he could still speak, breathe, or even blink his eyes? It was explained that he's fed INTRAVENOUSLY. However, that hasn't stopped Baron Zemo from entering the hall of Bond Villain Stupidity.
Just reading this explanation actually makes me chuckle at HOW Baron Zemo's superior intellect FAILED him:
Suspensions of disbelief: Let’s say for a moment that we believe the americans were so afraid the nazis could win the war with a weapon that is basically Crazy Glue. Let’s push it a little bit further in order to accept that the guy was so afraid to be recognised, he had his hood on all the time, even when he was working all alone, hidden in his private lab. We still have to believe that…:
A) Since Adhesixe X was such a potent glue that it fused his cowl to his face forever, how come his eyelids weren’t similarily fused shut in the process? And if his eyes were wide open when it happened, that means the guy never blinked, not even once, for the whole time he had that goo facial. But that would just mean that his eyelids were glued open forever, which also means he would need drops of Visine every 60 seconds or so for the rest of his life. How the man could even have a good night’s sleep in these conditions is beyond us.
B) Okay, hm… Mask covering his whole face, forever, including the mouth, thus rendering him incapable to eat or drink for the rest of his life. Forget about the starving part, the guy should have collasped from deshydratation alone in a matter of 36 hours. At least Dreadknight had these tiny holes in his metal mask.
How they tried to save the concept later: Huh… Ok, in order to eat, he was… huh… Fed intravenously. Yeah, that’s it!
How they should have saved it instead: The fact that he was able to talk proved that his mouth was wide open when his hood was fused to his face. So, was it so hard for him to think about cutting a mouth hole into his cowl? Geez! And this guy was the most brilliant scientific mind of the 3rd Reich. No wonder they lost the war.
Seriously? Why didn't an otherwise expert criminal mastermind of cutting a mouth hole into his cowl? It's probable that supervillains with high intellect are meant to LACK COMMON SENSE in some way. Maybe, Dr. Evil from Austin Powers would've thought to do that if the same situation happened to him. Again, maybe not since supervillains tend to lack common sense. Baron Zemo's probably too fixated with having revenge with Captain America THAT he overlooked cutting a mouth hole.
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