Megaman 3 Is Probably Still My Favorite Megaman NES Game

While Megaman 2 is considered by many as the best of the classic series but I beg to differ. Instead, my pick for the best of the classic series for the NES anyway was Megaman 3. I remembered having the Family Computer and my love for Megaman. The first Megaman game was THAT ridiculously hard and Megaman 2 (which I played on the Megaman Anniversary Collection disc for the PS2) is what I'd call the most unforgiving Megaman game for the NES. Megaman 3 IMO somewhat balanced the formula before the "Mega Buster" series came in that's from Megaman 4 up to 8. Megaman 9 to 10 ended up removing the charged shot and sliding for the more classic feel.

So what's with Megaman 3? I think it was trying to perfect the formula and I think it's the peak of gameplay for the NES series. Shadow Blade is a more balanced version of the Metal Blade -- that means no more of the whole "overpowered thing" or you can talk about how the game is a little easier this time around. Rush is also introduced as a new ally where he could be used to help leap in high places (and some stages really NEED him to do so) as well as the Rush Marine and Rush Jet. There's a bit of a loop with boss weaknesses and it was fun trying to figure out a better way around it -- like I'd actually start with Needleman, Snakeman and go for Geminiman, use buster only on Top Man (he's that simple) then go for Shadowman, Sparkman, Magnetman and Hardman.

It was also interesting to present the Doc Robot stages -- four stages where different robots copy the abilities of the Megaman 2 robot masters. Each stage had two bosses and it was at first, frustrating finding their weaknesses. Then we have the fun castle bosses which I didn't have that much fun in later years. I even found it fun to deal with Dr. Wily's use of the Gamma robot -- which he made with Dr. Light while pretending to have reformed. It made him look more intimidating in contrast to the use of his small but terrible Wily Capsules. It was still a fun challenge to use the Top Spin (the games least effective weapon except for bosses weak against it) or try to use the Search Snake which only DROP DOWN to defeat the Gamma robot.

What are your memories playing this game? 
