Can We Just Stop Adding "Go Go Power Rangers" To Every Post-Disney Power Rangers Season?

Go Go Power Rangers? Well I hate to admit it but I'm getting tired of hearing "Go Go Power Rangers" in EVERY post-Disney season. So I wonder is Hasbro just distributing or what? The credits still say Haim Saban and Toei Ltd. so I guess they are still involved. Why doesn't Toei even step in and STOP it? It's already 2019 and why are we still putting "Go Go Power Rangers" into EVERY post-Disney season since Power Rangers Samurai? In truth, Dino Charge should have also avoided putting "Go Go Power Rangers" since it was actually deviating from the Mighty Morphin' hype!

Perhaps what makes me dislike Power Rangers even more is why in the world is it riding on the Mighty Morphin' hype? While I'm getting critical about Toei's latest decision to use dinosaurs (again) with Ryuusoulger (though it's too early to judge how the show will do) -- I am way more critical with Power Rangers now still getting into the Mighty Morphin' hype. I think it's better to call it the Mighty Morphine overdose because why are we still stuck with the 90s hype? It's already 2019 and it will be 2020 soon enough!

This is just what I want to tell the recent Power Rangers songs from Power Rangers Samurai up to this day. SHUT UP! No more of that Go Go Power Rangers in the lyrics! So really, just get rid of the "Go Go Power Rangers" in the song and get more creative will ya?


  1. Damn. Then you ain't gonna like Power Rangers Dino Fury's theme song.

    1. I have to confess that I've not been liking PR. Sure, I did enjoy some Power Rangers back in the past but now, it's been slipping out of me. Though, I also have been having issues with Super Sentai too after 2013. I also have to say Ryusoulger is still flat for me.


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