Unpopular Opinion: Megaman 6 Is Underappreciated

I remembered writing about how I think Megaman X6 is just unfairly maligned. Now, I think that Megaman 6 shares a near-similar pattern with Megaman X6 in that area. Megaman X6 is known for being notoriously difficult but I'd pick that game over the overrated Megaman 2 any day. Now, I'd like to defend the overshadowed NES classic which was unfortunately released too late. That is remember Capcom already released the first Megaman X game during the same year! One was for the dying NES and the other was for the emerging Super NES.

I've played this game over the NES and later replayed it over in the Megaman Legacy Collection for the PS2. I may be a bigger fan of the Megaman X series over Classic Megaman but I don't want to dismiss this one. The game was apparently meant to end the Classic series that was until Megaman 7 was released after Megaman X3. The series simply had "to be continued" written at the end of the credits suggesting it wasn't the end. Dr. Wily was supposedly arrested, his plans forever silenced but we would be dead wrong. I still find the obvious Mr. X is Wily thing kinda stupid but it was fun for laughs.

The game had some rather interesting stuff. It's a world tournament and the robots represents different areas of the world. I can't really get over the cultural references to be one of the coolest things. There were also robot stats every time you chose a stage. I feel like we do need that to return but it sadly never did. The game is kind of difficult but it's more manageable once you get the hang of it. Back then, I had no Internet to help me so the NES days were frustrating. Later on, I got into the Internet and played this game again on the Megaman Anniversary Collection. Back on track - I can remember how the Jet Megaman and Power Megaman upgrades made things a little easier. For instance, these stuff don't run out of weapon energy. Jet Megaman may not allow you to fly forever (you need to go down and recuperate) but you can use it many times. Power Megaman allows breaking for interesting alternate routes. What was interesting was that some stages had two bosses. You don't get the BEAT parts until you've defeated the real boss in certain stages.

So, while I'd say that Megaman 3 is probably still be my favorite Megaman NES game but Megaman 6 still deserves praise. Just that I thought it should have been released for the Super NES instead along with Megaman 7.
