Onaga's Untapped Potential In "Mortal Kombat"


I may still think Shao Kahn is the coolest villain in Mortal Kombat ever. However, Shao Kahn wouldn't be as cool if he didn't have Onaga to set things up. Shao was once the adviser to Onaga Kahn before he became Shao Kahn. Shao Kahn, before becoming Shao Kahn, was an extremely ambitious guy. I think Onaga himself had been emperor for several Mortal Kombat tournaments and may have lost his life somewhere during Outworld's conquest of Edenia. Onaga got too focused on immortality at some point. Shao knowing that he can't beat Onaga in a fair fight used poison. Shao later became the new Kahn of Outworld presumably because survival of the fittest is the law there.

MK Deception really introduced a cool new boss. I hated Moloch. Onaga? Well, I felt he was freaking badass. The introduction showed he was a dominant guy. The Dragon King's mummified army bowed before him. Onaga is the true ruler of Outworld. Onaga even manipulated Shujinko for decades BEYOND THE GRAVE. Onaga had his own bad record of conquering and enslaving, and he practically had his own body count. Though, we know Shao Kahn managed to exceed that. Onaga did have backup plans that made him ready to return - just in case he was betrayed. Onaga did return in Reptile's body in MK Deception all before getting his body back courtesy of Shinnok. Heck, Onaga even plans to destroy Shinnok. Talk about trying to overthrow MK's version of the Devil!

I think Onaga was more than a plot device to show us why Shao Kahn is the best villain. Onaga did manage to nearly destroy Shao Kahn at the Pyramid. I don't know why Blaze's defeat was retconned to Shao Kahn. I still wish Taven defeated Blaze and then Shao Kahn emerged victorious after the third unforeseen outcome. Instead, it's not explained how Shao Kahn bested Onaga AND defeated Blaze. Onaga was defeated yet again and the timeline was rebooted. Yeah, thanks a lot Kronika! Cassie could've not said it better!

The reboot hardly mentioned Onaga. I really was looking forward to his possible return. Instead, the MKX comics somehow aligned him with the Red Dragon. The plot had it that Goro brought an injured Kenshi to Daegon. Goro heard of Onaga's lore and wished to restore his arms. It was planned that Goro was to become Onaga's vessel. MK11's dialogue had Sheeva mention Goro. Sheeva mentions to Baraka in a pre-fight dialogue that Goro became Onaga's vessel and now Goro rots as a result. I guess it was planned that Onaga was to inhabit Goro's body. Onaga with four arms? I'd wish he was going to possess Kotal Kahn to make a Tekken reference. Onaga was practically a cooler-looking True Ogre. Kotal Kahn was a blatant copy of Ogre, design-wise. 

Personally, I felt Onaga should've been the boss in MK11. My imagined plot is that Onaga managed to occupy Kotal's body but was defeated. However, Onaga managed to create a clone of Kotal which he uses as a vessel. My next plan is where Onaga seeks the Kamidogu so he could rewrite all of space and time. However, Shao Kahn ends up returning as a result of Onaga manipulating time itself. Still, I guess Onaga just doesn't get enough love. I guess Onaga's forever destined to be in his usurper Shao Kahn's shadow. 
