Abyss As The Final Boss Of "Marvel VS. Capcom 2: New Age Of Heroes"

Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes was hyped for being that crazy game. The reason why I wanted a PlayStation 2 was for this game. The Dreamcast CRASHED and it was a shame that Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes never got a sixth-generation update. Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes was fun at first -- it contained almost every character from X-Men: Children of the Atom up to Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes. The new hype was 3 vs. 3 combat. Therefore, it was only fair that the final boss was unplayable. An EX Edition was most likely impossible and Abyss was no longer playable in home consoles. After all, those playable bosses broke the balance in 2-player modes. 

As Marvel vs. Capcom 2 was the beginning of a new millennium -- it was normal to try new things. The new boss had three forms. Abyss looked intimidating as he had three forms. The first form was the Armor of Erosion -- a slow but powerful boss. The second was a slimy alien form called the Guardian -- something that was smaller can be that annoying. The third form looked menacing but became a Glass Cannon of sorts. Abyss can only become infuriating if all team members lack long-range attacks. 

However, get someone like Cable (a very broken OP character) and Abyss can be toast too easily. Cable's gameplay uses more of his weapons than his telepathic abilities. Using Cable, it was easy to bat Abyss with a series of Viper Beams, the standing FP, and the rinse-and-repeat process is ALMOST THERE. The Hyper Viper beam can easily damage Abyss. Using the Hyper Viper Beam ALONE against Abyss' third form can be that damaging. I even remember timing it right and Cable practically OWNS Abyss. One time, I used a tandem of Cable, Cyclops, and Mega Man. I remember how the tandem can even almost defeat the lava-based third form THAT EASILY. 
Riding on the hype was fun at first. However, I feel that the whole process was just a HYPE. I ended up realizing that Apocalypse, Cyber-Akuma, and Onslaught were better bosses than Abyss. Abyss looked cool but ended up becoming a bummer. I find the whole battle to be incredibly long-winded because of the 3 vs. 3 tag-team mode. Hopefully, 3 vs. 3 matches don't return any time soon. 
