The Super Mario Bros. Movie: Not The Best BUT It's Definitely HOW A Super Mario Movie Should Be

The Prospector

I normally don't go to the movie house -- not especially in the dawn of digital media! I gave the Super Mario Bros. Movie a shot. I watched the movie as a middle-aged man. Back in 1993, there was also the Super Mario Bros. live-action film -- which was a commercial failure. Maybe, I'm too harsh at it. The 1993 live-action film has a cult following -- something similar to Santa Claus: The Movie. However, I'd still pick Santa Claus: The Movie any day over the live-action Super Mario Bros. film. Maybe, my harshness towards the 1993 film was because Haim Saban and DiC had the much better Super Mario Bros. Super Show

It's not that long of a film. There are times I wish that Lou Albano and Danny Wells were still around. Sadly, they're gone since the film had a similar charm to the Super Mario Bros. Super Show. However, I'll give credit to Chris Platt and Charlie Day for giving their all to voice the Mario Bros. one way or another. Jack Black (who I first saw in Nacho Libre) does a good job being Bowser -- a Bowser that's superior to the voice of the late Harvey Atkin. Atkin made Bowser the way he should be -- a cartoon villain. Black managed to do a better rendition than the previously good rendition.

The film can be a mess. However, it's a watchable mess. It was interesting to connect the Donkey Kong franchise as part of it. The Donkey Kong game had Mario trying to rescue his former girlfriend Pauline from Donkey Kong. Donkey Kong Jr. had Mario become the main antagonist. It was interesting to have the Kongs involved. The two share a history together -- after all. It was nice to have some Easter Eggs of old NES games. One of my memories was wondering why Donkey Kong never ended. A lot of games back then were more focused on getting the high score.

Most video game movies deviate from the video game story -- for some reason! It's presumably to avoid copying the game story piece by piece or it's part of the contractual agreement. Apparently, movie companies give the production companies the right to artistic liberty. It may also be agreed that the movie should NEVER copy the game plot by plot. The result is a wacky retelling of the first Super Mario Bros. game WITH some crazy plots. The Wrecking Crew main antagonist Foreman Spike has a short role. In short, the movie tries to cram in several stories that may not be canon to each other. Super Mario. Bros 3 was confirmed to be a stage play. Super Mario Bros. 2 was but a bad dream. Apparently, the Super Mario characters are all actors

The movie felt rushed but fun. It was nice to see Bowser's irrational crush on Peach unfold. Seeing Mario and Donkey King fight was probably a throwback to the arcade game. Hearing the random themes from the NES (and SNES) era can make one feel young. In my case, it was a movie that wasn't trying to be overly nostalgic. It gave a glimpse of life in the 1980s to 1990s -- such as when the American NES was put on screen. However, the nostalgic feel is beautifully combined with decent 3D graphics.

I don't think the movie is a masterpiece. However, it deserves its commercial success. It was done 30 years after the failed live-action film. The original took artistic liberties WAY TOO FAR. This one knew how to create a non-canon story without straying too far. 
