Wishful Thinking For "Batman: TAS" Episode "Harley And Ivy" As A Tale Of Two Women Spurned

All before wokeness got worse -- I'd like to point to the episode "Ivy and Harley" in Batman: The Animated Series. I always had a thing for Joker and Harley (which I believe brought out the best development out of the Joker) or I've always had shipped Batman x Poison Ivy. I even felt that Batman: The Animated Series could've created a love triangle between Catwoman and Poison Ivy for Batman!

As I rewatched the series on Netflix (which will be there for a limited time) --  I rewatched "Ivy and Harley". Harley has a toxic romantic relationship with the Joker. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker even hints that Harley and Joker had at least one child decades prior. I was looking at the angle of the two women. Harley had a bad breakup with the Joker. Meanwhile, I feel that Poison Ivy's toxic infatuation with Batman (pun intended) could've been brought up.

The episodes "Pretty Poison "and "Eternal Youth" point to Poison Ivy's villainous crush -- something I wish that could've been fleshed out. Unfortunately, Poison Ivy's characterization goes from anti-villain to simply joining the bad guys and then anti-villain again. If Harley was having a problem with the Joker -- Poison Ivy obsessing over Batman should've been. Harley misses Joker, Poison Ivy gets mad, and then Harley brings up, "So says you, who's got too much of a crush on Batman!" Both women suffer from romantic problems. Harley gets taken for granted. Poison Ivy just can't get Batman to reciprocate her feelings.

I could put a contrast between the women. Poison Ivy is an anti-villain who has noble aspirations. Harley is stuck with For the Evulz and becoming the best crook around. It'd be funny if Harley said, "Get it over girl! Batman will never love you!" Maybe, have a conflicted Poison Ivy try to escape with Harley. However, both are stopped in their tracks by a female police. In my case, I'd have Poison Ivy push the break and surrender. Poison Ivy peacefully surrenders because of Batman. This causes Harley to get mad. Poison Ivy would say, "Can I help it like you can't help it?" 

At the end scene, Poison Ivy and Harley have another argument. Joker is all locked up in a straitjacket. Poison Ivy and Harley are working in the gardens. It'd be interesting if Poison Ivy would get mad at Harley and say, "Well, Batman's still better than the Joker!" towards the end. 
