Potential Direction: My Own Turn Of What Could've Been Done With Poison Ivy And Harley Quinn In An Alternate Animated Future


I wrote about what could've been done with Batman and Catwoman in Batman Beyond. Should I be glad it never happened or not? Seeing photos of Adam West and Julie Newmar in reunions can inspire ideas. The idea that Batman and Catwoman as an elderly couple was explored in Rebirth. Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is a fanservice. The OG Joker returns in an elderly Tim Drake's body. There was a cameo of Harley Quinn (now an old woman). However, I'd like to share my nitpicky side on what might be that "unexplored potential" with Poison Ivy.

I always thought of Poison Ivy as Batman's conflicted love interest. I reviewed some Batman: The Animated Series episodes. "Pretty Poison" has Poison Ivy kissing Batma and somehow enjoying it. The show could've used a possible ongoing love triangle between Poison Ivy and Catwoman for Batman. There should've been episodes where Batman helps Poison Ivy (and vice versa). My own take on "Harley and Ivy" could've given Poison Ivy a more sympathetic side. Make Poison Ivy's crush on Batman her own undoing and doing in several instances!

I thought, what if Poison Ivy really TOOK that second chance in life -- this time with Batman? Poison Ivy discovers who Batman is and embraces him for it. I felt Poison Ivy should've unmasked Batman in "Eternal Youth" while keeping it a secret. Poison Ivy's succeeding episodes should've had her at odds with other villains. It would've been funny if Poison Ivy couldn't stop bragging (and whining) about Batman's unrequited feelings for her. It could've been better for Bruce and Pamela to marry, even have a biological child together (retconning "House and Garden" or revealing that the Pamela they confronted was a clone all along). This may require Related in the Adaptation if the daughter is to be named Helena Wayne. Helena's mother was Selina Kyle in the comics. Poison Ivy would be been as an attractive elderly woman with a carbon copy daughter. I'd probably call their daughter Rose Isley Wayne. Pamela would still fight for the environment without her usual shenanigans.

Harley's rather short cameo in Return of the Joker kinda kills whatever great stories could've been pulled off. IMHO the film should've been a mini-series to tie loose ends. There a HUGE time jump after all. Harley and Joker did try to raise Tim as Joker Jr. until it backfired on the Joker. The Delia and Deidre Dennis or the Dee Dee Twins are Harley's granddaughters. I thought about Joker returning to try and get his twin granddaughters to follow in their grandfather's footsteps. Of course, it would be funny because the Dee Dee Twins would keep calling Joker "grandpa" (which he is). Joker would've been too old to even cause trouble -- if he never left his original body. Harley would go to jail, lose contact with her child with the Joker, that child would be put up for adoption, and sire the Dee Dee Twins. Harley would do anything to prevent her granddaughters from following in her footsteps. However, the Joker returns to make sure that his granddaughters will follow in his footsteps.

I'd have Pamela and Harley reunite as elderly people. Harley would mention how Joker's final ace was working. Harley would explain that the Joker returned in another body -- Tim! Pamela believes Harley -- something Bruce doesn't easily believe in. However, Harley tries to reach out to her granddaughters. Harley confronts the Joker. Joker gets disappointed with Harley's Heel Face Turn. Pamela and Helena both try to figure out how to get rid of Joker once and for all. In my case, it'd be fun if the Dee Dee Twins finally turn against their psychotic maternal grandfather -- crushing his existence for good!

Just my own crazy thoughts! 
