
Gaston's Lust for Belle Led to His Downfall!

Thor vs. Thrym: Thrym's Immense Stupidity!

My Fantasy: Remaking Harvest Moon Back to Nature For Several Game Consoles!

Lion King 2: Scrapped Off Incest!

Havok and Polaris COULD SIRE a Powerful Mutant Too!

Opinions I Have On Kimberly Hart That Will Piss off Power Rangers Haters!

Some of My Opinions About Power Rangers That May Piss Off Power Rangers Haters!

Amy Jo Johnson Was Destined to Play Kimberly Hart!

Cyclops Getting Payback for Screwing It on Madelyne Pryor and Jean Grey!

Remembering Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Post Megaman 6 Games as "Bridges" to the Megaman X Series

The Summers-Grey Gene Theory of Mr. Sinister