Well it's been two days since the release though I just got my game today. Okay, I could go ahead and bitch about some of the game's shortcomings like why are we missing Stage Fatalities AGAIN? Hopefully, there will be Stage Brutalities to make up for it. But in spite of imperfections, I thought about targeting a game that for me was a massive disappointment namely Tekken 7. I waited for that game before I got a PS4 and guess what -- that game has plenty of wasted potential ! Shao Kahn is a better pre-order bonus than Eliza So I remembered the idea to why I even pre-ordered the game. Shao Kahn is a better pre-order bonus than that who cares vampire known as Eliza. Namco could've made a pre-order bonus containing legacy characters but NO... they decided to settle for that rather idiotic Eliza. What's her role in the game anyway? Shao Kahn is that legendary Big Bad in Mortal Kombat. He had the most badass death in MK (2011) where the Elder Gods carried him over for judg
Presenting my views of other various franchises in the Fantasy Universe.